Thursday, September 8, 2011

How deep do your roots go?...

Proverbs 12:3 "A man will not be established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will not be moved." Proverbs 10:25 "...the righteous has an everlasting foundation."

A few years ago I was determined to remove a yucca tree from our front yard. Having hacked away the trunk, I was just left with the easy part -- pulling out the stump. Easy part? I don't think so! I dug and dug. I bent a 2 inch-thick pry bar. Finally I attached a heavy duty tow strap from the stump to my truck. I put it into gear, hit the gas, and snapped the tow strap. :-( That was one tough stump!

Solomon likens a Believer, a "righteous one", to that yucca tree. It says our roots will not be moved; we will not easily be shaken. In other passages he likens us to a building whose foundation is solid and enduring.

Hurricanes will rage. Earthquakes will shake and sift us. Tornadoes will tear up the landscape. Life is full of storms... distress...disintegrating relationships. Are you rooted deeply in the Word, anchored to His promises? Is your foundation built upon the bedrock of His unchanging character...His unlimited mercy and grace?

Lord, thank You that my security is not dependent upon me and my resources, but in You your faithfulness. Help me to trust you on my own behalf and on behalf of those I love.

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