Acts 28:15 "And the brethren, when they heard about us, came from there as far as the Market of Appius and Three Inns to meet us; and when Paul saw them, he thanked God and took courage."
Joan and I are in the throws of a major life change and we're at a point where the stress tends to distort our perception and dilute our trust in God's direction. I'm retiring in three weeks, after 40 years in Christian education. We're building a house in southern Utah, near our daughter, granddaughters, and great-grandchildren. Our house, in which we've lived for 34 years, is on the market.
We believe that God has been directing our steps, and as we look back over the last two years, His "fingerprints" can be seen throughout our journey. Yet, as we wade through the daily details, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture.
Our house no longer feels like home - much of our furnishings is in storage and the house has been "staged" to make it appeal to a broader group of potential buyers. We have to be ready at any moment to take our 4 dogs and leave the premises so the house can be shown.
Twice, now, as our frustration threatened to get the better of us, God sent "brothers" to us. The first time was in Home Depot. We encountered Jeremy and his wife in the plumbing fixtures aisle. After a few minutes of small talk, something he said told me he was a Christian. Turns out that he's a contractor and that God told him to go to Haiti to help after the tsunami. He obeyed, went to Haiti to help the displaced children, met his wife, Gustalia. They opened an orphanage. Now he returns to the States for six months each year to earn enough money to run the orphanage. He told us Gustalia has cancer. We had a prayer meeting in the plumbing aisle of Home Depot. God used Jeremy and Gustalia to refocus our attention and trust on Him. He used us to minister to them.
The second time was a week ago on a Sunday evening. We were in Seal Beach while a realtor showed our house. I was sitting on a bench near the pier with our four dogs, when a young man walked over, sat down, and began petting the dogs. We talked for awhile and then the Holy Spirit revealed that he, too, was a Christian brother. It turns out that he came over to me to witness, to lead me to Christ! Mario truly has the gift of evangelism! Once again, God had set a Divine Appointment just when I needed encouragement.
That's what God did for the apostle Paul as he neared Rome. He was frightened and unsure, and the Holy Spirit directed the Roman believers to walk 30 miles to greet him. The result? "He thanked God and took courage."
I am continually amazed at the tender, personal care God shows me. He knows me inside-out and is ever patient as I ride this roller coaster of faith and doubt. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit sets "Divine appointments" at just the right time and keeps bringing me back to a place of trust. He restores my peace and joy, builds my faith and confidence, and refocuses my outlook.
Thank You, Lord, for using Your saints to remind me of Your love and mercy. Thank You that you never give up on me. Thank You for restoring my trust and refocusing my vision. Please, Lord, use me today to pay it forward, to help someone else who is struggling. Amen.