Micah 6:8
"He has told you O man what is good; and what does the
Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk
humbly with your God?"
I remember as a child, trying to emulate a
tight- rope walker. There wasn't much danger. I was trying to walk
the span of an 8' 2X4 laid on edge. But, in my mind's eye, I was 30'
above the circus floor, without a safety net, struggling to traverse a
50' span on a tiny cable. I wobbled this way and that, several times
nearly crashing to my death, until I finally reached the safety of the
other side.
Balance. The older I get, the more I have come to
realize that maintaining balance in every aspect of my life is the key
to success and happiness. I must balance my work and personal life, my
need for relaxation and my drive to accomplish a task list, my appetite
for sweets and my need for nutrition, etc.
I must also temper my
sense of justice with kindness and mercy. Each is vitally important
and, as I deal with children, I often find myself in a quandary,
seeking God's wisdom in applying His Word to those whose choices have
led them to my office for discipline.
Thank God that we are not
dependent solely on our own wisdom, but that God is always available for
counsel. This verse has become my "North Star", my point of reference
in navigating each day. The Holy Spirit constantly brings it to mind
and He uses it to help me maintain my balance.
Thank you, Lord,
for giving me Your perspective on life and for giving me Your Word and
Your Holy Spirit to keep me balanced. I look forward to walking the
tight-rope with You today!
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