.Ezra 10:1 "Now while Ezra was praying and making confession, weeping and
prostrating himself before the house of God, a very large assembly, men,
women and children, gathered to him from Israel; for the people wept
Ezra 10:4 "Arise! For this matter is your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act."
The remnant of Israelites had returned from captivity in Babylon. The
first group had succeeded in rebuilding the temple. Now Ezra and
another group arrived, and when they got there he heard disturbing news.
Many of the Jews had intermarried with the pagan inhabitants. This
was the same sin for which the nation had been taken into bondage over seventy years prior!
Ezra was beside himself in anger, grief, and penitence. Finally, one
of the priests stepped forward and, in so many words, said to Ezra,"
Okay, that's enough! Don't just sit there. You're our leader. Suck it up! Get up
and do something and we'll back you up."
It's not enough to mourn over our sin. At some point we need to "show
acts worthy of repentance." For Ezra, the decision was obvious. Get
rid of the foreign wives. While it sounds simple enough, can you
imagine the pain and anguish of splitting up all those families? It took them three months to sort it all out.
Separating ourselves from the sin is an essential aspect of repentance.
It not only demonstrates our sincerity; it also puts us back on
track. It requires wisdom, courage, and determination. It also helps to have the support of a friend in the process.
Holy Spirit, please reveal in me those areas where I have compromised
and allowed the world to creep into my heart. I want to be soley
committed to You. Give me the courage to act upon what You reveal to
me. Amen.
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