Friday, June 29, 2012

"Living the Life"

Scripture: 1 Thess 1:3-10

The Thessalonians demonstrated the pattern of life for Believers:
1.  Chosen by God  :4
2. Witnessed power, conviction of HS  :5
3. Turned from idols to serve true, living God  :9
4. Imitators of Paul  :6
5. Demonstrated works of faith, labor of love, steadfastness of hope in the midst of great tribulation  :3, 6
6. Examples to other believers (reputation of faith, Word spread)  :7-8
7. Waiting for Jesus' return :10

It isn't enough to hear the Word and believe, and then just go on with life as "normal".  God chose me for a purpose, and He wants my whole being.  My life, every day, ought to reflect the Holy Spirit's transforming power, faith demonstrated  by wholehearted service,  always looking for the return of my Savior.

Lord, thank You for choosing me to be Your child.  Help me today, empowered by Your Holy Spirit, to imitate what I see in godly examples, to demonstrate my trust in You.  I can't wait to see You face to face! Amen.

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