Thursday, July 26, 2012


1 Samuel 7:12  "Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us."

The Lord had just rescued Israel (again!) from the armies of the Philistines.  God had thundered His judgement against the pagan army and the men of Israel routed the confused soldiers.  As the battle drew to a close and the soldiers found their way home,  Samuel the prophet found a large stone and engraved on it a single word.... "Ebenezer".  Translated from Hebrew, it means, "stone of help".

This isn't the first time we see people setting visual reminders of God's intervention.  Jacob did it at Bethel after seeing the vision of the angels ascending and descending from Heaven.  Joshua did it in the middle of the Jordan river as the Israelites crossed on the dry riverbed into the Promised Land.

I think it's a good practice to set "Ebenezer stones" when God intervenes at significant points of our lives.  It may not be a stone pillar.  Maybe it's a photograph or a small memento.    I need those tangible items to remind me of God's faithfulness, of His providence and protection, of His answers to prayer.  Touching them, remembering, restores my faith in times of doubt; it rekindles hope when I am worried; it replaces fear with courage.

Lord,  thank You for your faithfulness over the years.  Thank You for the reminders that keep me walking close to You.  Please help me to live today in an attitude of thanksgiving and peace.  Amen.

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