1 Samuel 3:13 "For I have told him that I am about to judge his house
forever for the iniquity which he knew, because his sons brought a curse
on themselves and he did not rebuke them.
Eli, the priest, had two rascally sons. Hophni and Phinehas profaned
the Lord's Sanctuary, sleeping with the temple attendants, ignoring the
laws regarding sacrifices and taking the best of the meat for
Because of their lifestyle and actions, these two men brought judgement
upon their father's house. But was the fault theirs alone? If you read
carefully, it is clear that God holds their father, Eli, responsible.
Eli knew what his sons were like from a young age and he chose to turn a
"blind eye" to their actions. They grew up without discipline.
I have worked with thousands of young people and their families over the
years. For the most part, the parents have taken active roles in
training their children ... setting boundaries, maintaining behavior
standards, and the like. Recently, however, I am encountering more
young parents who cater to their children's every desire. These little
ones are growing up with a sense of entitlement, lacking respect for
others, and demanding their "rights". They are headed down a road
filled with unhappiness and pain.
God's Word is clear... it is the parents' privilege and responsibility
to "train up a child in the way he should go..." When we as fathers
abdicate that role, our whole family pays the price. It isn't always
easy to say,"No!"; setting and consistently maintaining standards of
behavior is hard work. But, diligence pays off in the end. What
greater joy can a parent have than to see his children walking with the
Lord, help me today to encourage the parents I encounter, help me to
mentor my children and grandchildren. Please use me, give me wisdom and
discernment as I interact with those whom You bring across my path
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