Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Maturing through trials...

Heb 1:10 "In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering."

If it was "fitting" ("appropriate") for Jesus to suffer in order to complete the purchase of our salvation, doesn't it follow that God will use suffering as a major component in the process of transforming us into Christ's likeness?

Most of what I consider suffering really falls into the category of inconvenience, and my initial response is rarely praiseworthy. Keeping God's larger purpose in mind helps me to keep the daily irritations in perspective. It also gives me the strength to handle real suffering with perseverance, faith, and even joy.

Jesus - I want to walk the path you have laid out for me today. Regardless of what I encounter along the way, I rejoice that You are walking with me.

Praise God that He sees beyond my present circumstance - He sees the finished product!

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