Thursday, July 28, 2011

Viewing today through the lens of faith...

Hebrews 3:1 "...fix your thoughts on Jesus..." How easily I am distracted! Like Peter, when he stepped off the boat into the storm...he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. I find that when He is my focus, my frame of reference, my mind doesn't drift to places I don't want to go...places like worry, anxiety, fear, doubt.

When I consciously, prayerfully start the day with the Word of God in my heart and a conversation with Jesus fresh in my mind, I see things differently. I see through eyes of faith. I watch for opportunities to minister. I listen more carefully for the whisper of the Holy Spirit. And, at the end of the day I sense God smiling with pleasure.

Lord, please help me to keep you as the center of my attention today. Help me to interpret all that I experience through the lens of faith. Lead me in an adventure and give me the discernment and wisdom to respond in a way that honors You.


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