Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Served by Angels

I was reading Hebrews 1:14 this morning..."Are they (angels) not God's ministering servants sent out to serve those who will inherit salvation?" The word for "ministering servants" describes the primary role of angels - serving in worship of God. Part of that worship involves serving us, God's children! Throughout the Old and New Testaments we have accounts of angels relaying messages from God, rescuing His people from danger, and revealing God's power and resources.

There is nothing in Scripture to indicate that things have changed. God still uses His angels to minister to us, even though we may be unaware of their presence. I know that each morning I invite an angel to sit on the back seat of my motorcycle as I commute to work. :-)

There's an application point for me. I believe that, like the angels, a significant part of my service of worship to God is to serve others. That's consistent with what we read throughout the NT. I need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's direction moment by moment, and respond when He prompts me to minister to the needs of those I encounter.

Praise God for the opportunity to be His ambassador! I truly am blessed by the Best!

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