Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Believing is Seeing!"

2 Corinthians 5:7  "...for we walk by faith, not by sight..."

The apostle was going through tough times, as were those to whom he was writing.  He spoke of having been so burdened that he "despaired of life" - he thought he was going to die.  He described having been afflicted in every way, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down.  Yet he affirmed that, even in those mind-numbing circumstances, he was not crushed, despairing, forsaken, or destroyed.

I remember attending a conference a few years ago, and getting to know a fellow-delegate named Greg.  Greg was an attorney,  a strong advocate for those with disabilities.  Greg also happened to be blind.  He lost his sight as a teenager, fooling around with fireworks.  What stands out in my mind about Greg is his confidence.  He walked without hesitation all around the hotel complex, never hesitating, not bumping into things.  He guided me when I was confused!

I asked him how he as able to maneuver so fearlessly.  His response still rings in my ears.  He told me that he came early to the conference and walked around the facility.  Using his white cane, he mentally mapped the place, noting "landmarks" and distances marked off in paces.  After that it was easy.  He just followed the map in his mind.  He walked by faith!

Many of us are experiencing "dark" times today.  Like Paul, we are confused and on the verge of surrender.  Like Greg, we can't see our way out of the situation.  Like Paul and like Greg, the Lord is telling me to walk by faith, not by sight.  My reality is not based on what I can physically perceive.  NO!  It is built on the firm foundation of hope... knowing Whose I am, knowing Who lives within me, convinced that He is working on my behalf, even when I cannot perceive it.

Lord, I refuse to give up or give in.  With Job I proclaim, "though You slay me, yet will I hope."  I acknowledge that my physical senses are limited and that to truly see You and Your plan, I must look through eyes of faith.  Lord, I confess that I am perplexed, and feel "struck down."  Please help me to follow You today, step by step, walking in faith, not by sight.

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