Acts 3:3-6 "When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms. But Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, 'Look at us!' And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said to him, 'I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene--walk!'"
Over the years I have read a few books that have radically impacted my spiritual life. One of the first was a little volume written by J. B. Phillips, "Your God is Too Small." He helped me realize that I had "compartmentalized" God. I had tried to squeeze the eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite God into a finite, convenient, comfortable, controllable "box". How foolish and presumptuous I was.
Similarly, I keep discovering how limited are my expectations of Him. I'm too much like the lame beggar in Acts 3. When Peter got his attention, he expected a "handout", a few coins. Little did he know that God had a much greater gift for him. God gave him a "hand up"... Instead of a temporary fix, he received a total makeover.
I wonder if my limited expectations of God hinder my enjoyment of Him. I ponder my prayer life and can't help but think that I have tunnel vision. I see from my limited perspective what I think I need, what I perceive God to be doing, what I believe He wants from me, and where I sense He's directing my steps. He obviously sees these same things from a much broader point of view!
I want to see things more from His perspective than from mine. I don't want to settle for a "few alms" when God has planned so much more. I want to raise my expectations so that what I expect is more in line with what He has in mind. I can't do that by myself. That's a job for the Holy Spirit. I need to listen carefully to His voice and see with His eyes today.
Dear Lord, You know me inside out. I know that You have plans for me, both short and long range. I pray that You will keep my spiritual "bi-focals" clean today so that I will have a clear vision of both the details of today and the broader view of tomorrow. I don't want to miss anything You have planned for me. I can't wait to get started! Amen.
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