Thursday, November 8, 2012

Are you an adornment or a stain?

Titus 2:10   "... showing all good faith so that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect."

"What's that on your shirt?"  I hear that occasionally when I get home from school or after a meal.  It's not a compliment.  It's recognition that I am very skilled at attracting food or other stains that detract from my appearance.

"That looks good on you!"  That's a comment I would much rather hear.  Something I am wearing is adding positively to my appearance, making me more attractive.

Paul tells Titus that each day the way we conduct ourselves will either stain or adorn the Gospel.  Our conversation, our attitudes, our body language, our choices will attract people to Him or will detract from Him.

I have a choice today to either be an adornment or a stain.  It's up to me.

Lord, I want to draw people to You today.  Please let my life complement the Gospel as Your Holy Spirit lives in and through me.  Amen.

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