Monday, November 12, 2012

Be prepared...

Titus 3:1.  "Remind them ... to be ready for every good deed..."

I grew up in the Boy Scouts and their motto became ingrained in my thinking, part of my DNA: "Be prepared."  I came to understand that there are three key components to preparedness: resources, training, and state of mind.

Living in Southern California,  preparedness is usually linked to earthquakes. We are constantly reminded to be ready for the "Big One".  At school we have equipment and supplies sufficient to sustain our student body for 72 hours.  We have a plan and we practice it and, for me as the leader, the anticipation of an earthquake is always lurking just below the surface of my thinking.

Paul exhorts Titus to remind the Believers to be prepared for every good deed. How do we do that?  Joshua 1:8 says, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success."

For me to be "ready for every good deed", I must spend time daily in God's Word, allowing it to saturate my thinking.  Then, as opportunities arise, the Holy Spirit will guide me in using what I have learned. That's the "resources and training"  part.  In order to be fully prepared, I must also maintain the right mindset, always anticipating opportunities to share God's Word with those He brings my way.

Lord,  I know You have a plan for me today.  Please help me to be sensitive to Your leading.  Holy Spirit, please bring to mind the appropriate Words for every encounter.  I'm ready

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