Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I hear what you say, but....

Titus 1:16  "They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed."

For months we have been deluged, overwhelmed with "spun-truths", "half-truths", and outright lies.  They're everywhere.... T.V., radio, newspapers, automated telephone calls.  Everyone wants us to believe what they say, but they rarely tell us the whole truth.

Paul told Titus to confront the false teachers who had infiltrated the church at Crete.  They were seeking to become the leaders,  proclaiming a relationship with God, but their actions revealed their true colors.

I believe our country is at a crossroads today.  I pray that Americans across our land will vote for truth, that we will be able to penetrate the smokescreen, wade through the verbiage, and evaluate the claims in light of actions.  I pray we will vote into leadership men and women whose lives demonstrate a stand for godly, moral values.  I fear for our country if we continue down the road we currently travel, a road littered with the bodies of unborn babies and reeking with the stench of immorality.

Oh, God, I believe we are like Israel of old, rebellious, not heeding the warning of Your prophets to repent. Please, God, forgive us, let righteousness prevail today.  Give Christians the courage to stand together for You.  Amen.

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