Monday, March 12, 2012

Me outgive God? No way!!!

2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed."

One of the striking contrasts in Israel is the difference between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.  They both share the same source of water, the Jordan River, yet one is teeming with life and the other is so saturated with salt that it cannot sustain a living creature.  Why the difference?  One simple thing: the Sea of Galilee has an outlet and the Dead Sea doesn't.

It's like that with me.  I find that my spiritual life is fresh and vibrant when I am focused outwardly; it becomes stale and dead when I focus on myself.  When I give to others, I reflect God's grace and mercy, and it pleases Him.  As I am faithful, He entrusts more to my care, and increases my ability to give.

Look at all the superlatives in this verse.  The context is stewardship.  In the previous verses, Paul urges generosity and states the principle that you will reap in proportion to what you sow.  However, here and in the following verses, he says that if we are faithful in giving, He can and will out-give us.

Lord, please keep my focus upward and outward today.  Let me hold loosely the resources You have entrusted to my care.  I want to be ready for You to bless someone through me today.  Amen.

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