Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"It's not about me..."

John 13:14-15 "If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you."

"But he cut me!" Those were the words of a first grader who was explaining why he had hit his friend. No, he wasn't bleeding. His explanation was shorthand for, "He cut in front of me when we lined up to go to class.". "Cutting" someone is a big deal to a first grader. From his egocentric perspective, he was being disrespected; his rights were being trampled upon. It called for swift and dramatic action.

I have a difficult time holding back a chuckle during such conversations. Then the Holy Spirit taps me on the shoulder and says, "He reminds me of you." What?! No way!! Then I remember how I reacted earlier in the day when an impatient driver rushed up in the right hand lane and cut in front of me. I wanted to slug him! He cut me!

The point Jesus makes in these verses is that it is not all about me. Egocentric thinking has no place in a Christian's life. If I am to live out the truth of Jesus' words, I will be focused upward and outward rather than inward. My goal will be to serve others and, in so doing, serve my Savior.

Lord, You know that I'm naturally self-centered. Please redirect my focus today. Help me to see others' needs instead of my own. Please use me to bless someone who desperately needs a touch from You. Amen.

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