Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One habit I don't want to kick...

John 18:1-2  "When He had finished praying, Jesus left with His disciples and crossed the Kidron valley.  On the other side there was a garden, and He and His disciples went into it.  Now Judas, who betrayed Him, knew the place because Jesus had often met there with His disciples."

I am a creature of habit.  I get used to a routine and I tend to stick with it.  I remember when my wife and I were dating, my car would "automatically" make its way to her house at dinner time.  Even today, if we are in the vicinity of that neighborhood, I have to fight the steering wheel to keep from going there!

Jesus was a man of habits also.  He habitually met with His disciples in the Garden of Olives for prayer.  It wasn't coincidence that they ended up there the night Judas betrayed Him.  It wasn't by chance that Judas knew where to find Him. 

In the Old Testament, as a captive in Babylon, Daniel habitually opened His window facing Jerusalem and prayed at the same time every day.  That pattern was what his enemies used to trap him.  They knew his faithfulness.  They could count on Him being there the same time each day.

I love my quiet time with the Word early in the morning.  While it's not always easy to get out of bed, I look forward to sitting in my chair with my Bible and cup of coffee at the start of each day.  Because it is part of my daily routine, my mind and spirit are ready to listen to the Holy Spirit; there's no need to "get in the mood", so to speak.  I need this time; I depend upon it; it sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Like everyone, there are some habits I would like to kick.  This is not one of them!  If someone is after me, there's at least one time of day they'll be able to find me...right here in my study, reading my Bible and sipping a cup of coffee.

Thank you, Lord, that no matter where I am, You are already there, ready to meet with me.  I love it that, just like with Your disciples, You habitually meet with me in my study.  It's my favorite time of the day!

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