John 14:1-3 "Do not let your heart be troubled.
Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling
places. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a
place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again
and receive you to Myself, that where I am, you may be also."
said goodbye for now to a dear friend this week. He has moved and he
has left a forwarding address. I don't know the house number, street
name, or even the zip code, but I do know the city and the country.
He's enjoying a brand new home in the city of "New Jerusalem" in the
country of Heaven.
Trevor Owens, friend to many, fought a valiant nine month battle with cancer. Early this week, His Saviour, Jesus,
gently took him by the hand and led him Home.
Saying goodbye to a
loved one is tough. It stirs up a variety of conflicting emotions. On the one hand
is the pain and sorrow of separation that washes over us like huge ocean
waves. It gradually subsides and diminishes, but never really goes
away. On the other hand is the deep, abiding, sustaining joy and peace
that come from the sure knowledge that the separation is only temporary; that Trevor is at last fully healed, truly free, and enjoying the
intimate fellowship with Jesus for which each of us longs.
I am
so thankful to have been numbered among Trevor's friends. He knew/knows
how much I treasured his friendship, but didn't have a clue how much he
impacted me. His positive, "we'll figure it out", enthusiastic
attitude was contagious and has helped me to be a better leader. I
learned a lot about integrity from Trevor. Everything about him stemmed
from his deep love of Jesus and his desire to honor and please Him.
God that "goodbye" isn't permanent; it is really more like Winnie the Pooh's "Ta ta for
now". It's only a temporary separation. Thank you, Trevor, for a life
well lived, a friendship much treasured, and a worthy example to follow.
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