Monday, December 10, 2012

Free at last, free at last!...

Ephesians 1:7   "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us. .."

I have been reading Martin Luther King, Jr.'s  legendary "I have a dream" speech.  I had just graduated from high school and I remember watching the television coverage of the "Great March on Washington"  in August of 1963.  Delivered to an audience of 250,000 in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. King concluded his stirring oration with the now-famous words, "Free at last!  Free at last!  Thank God Almighty,  we are free at last!"

Dr. King was speaking of equality and justice for African-Americans.  Those words also echo the apostle Paul's reminder to the Ephesians (and to us).  Scripture teaches that each of us was born a slave to sin, and Satan was our master.   Paul  joyously declares that because Jesus paid our purchase price (death) with His own blood, we have been redeemed.  We are free at last, no longer in bondage to sin!

The Emancipation Proclamation of 1865 freed the American slaves, but for many, the realization of freedom was a gradual process.  It took years to shed the mindset that had been engrained in them for generations.

So it is with me.  God lavished His grace on me, paid the redemption price in full on the Cross, and declared me to be free!   However, it has taken me a lifetime to actually think and live as a man freed from the domination of sin.  I'm doing better, but I occasionally fall back into old old patterns of thinking and behaving.  Thank God that His Holy Spirit indwells me and keeps making "course corrections" in my life.

Lord, I read Paul's words and I understand what they mean, yet I will never in this lifetime fully comprehend the vastness of your love and grace.  Thank You for freeing me from a life dominated by sin.  Please help me today to live as a free man.  Let my countenance and my behavior declare with Dr. King and with Paul, "Free at last!  Free at last!  Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!

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