.Ephesians 1:18-19 "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might..."
I don't need a calendar to tell me that it's time for me to visit my optometrist. Street signs are becoming a little blurry, I have to squint to read the newspaper, and I'm constantly enlarging the font on my iPad. I need new glasses.
Paul, in these verses to the Ephesians, reminds me that it's time to get my spiritual eyes checked, too. He prays that I will clearly see, and thus be assured of, what God has given me. God has given each of His children a solid assurance (hope) of a future with Him, an inheritance that exceeds our wildest imagination. And, while we're waiting for it, He wants us to tap into His mighty power, that we might live boldly, audaciously for Him.
I have to admit that my spiritual eyesight is far less than 20/20. I don't feel very powerful and my nearsightedness hinders me from seeing the reality of my inheritance. I tend to get bogged down with the "stuff" of everyday life, and I lose focus of what God is doing and wants to do in and through me. I need the Holy Spirit's constant examination and adjustment of the "eyes of my heart" to help me clearly see and understand His plan for me each day.
Lord, I echo, I say "Amen!" to Paul's prayer. I ask that You will enlighten my eyes today. Let me see more clearly what You have given me. Give me a glimpse of Your power. Help me to walk joyfully, gratefully with my eyes on You. Thank You! Amen.
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