Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No man is an island...

2 Corinthians 6:3   "...giving no cause for offense in anything, so that the ministry will not be discredited..."

Sixteenth century poet, John Donne, made famous the phrase "no man is an island".  In his poem, he asserted that each of us is interconnected and that what happens to one affects us all. 

As our children were growing up, they hated to be reminded that their choices, their actions affected not only themselves, but also our whole family.  I feel the same way when the Holy Spirit reminds me of that truth as He reprimands me. No one likes to think that he is in part responsible for the reputation of those with whom he associates.  That's a lot of pressure!

Nevertheless, Paul reminds us that we must be careful how we walk.  Like it or not,  we are walking "billboards" advertising Christianity.  What we do and say, how we treat people affects how others view Jesus.  How many times have you heard the comment, "If that's how Christians act, I want no part of it."? 

The Holy Spirit constantly brings to my mind a simple little song I learned as a 5 year old in Sunday School.  "Be careful little mouth what you say....for the Father up above is looking down in love...be careful little mouth what you say."  It goes on to admonish me to "be careful little eyes what you see....little ears what you hear....little hands what you do....little feet where you go." 

Lord, sometimes it feels like there's too much pressure on me to "be good", too much responsibility.  I don't ever want to do or say something that would discredit the ministry or bring shame on You.  Holy Spirit, I can't handle this in my own strength.  Please help me.  I agree with David's prayer this morning, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You..."  Amen.

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