Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Under construction...

Ephesians 4:32 "Become kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

I remember sitting in the Long Beach Arena in the mid-80's, listening to a middle-aged preacher named Bill Gothard.  His seminar, "Institute of Basic Youth Conflicts",  was sweeping the evangelical world, filling churches and auditoriums across America.

Although some of the specific applications of his teaching were seen as"ultra-conservative", his basic "seven life principles" are solidly grounded in Scripture and should be foundational for each of us.    Just as influential as those life principles was the little badge I found tucked inside the bag of materials we received.  Printed on it were the letters P.B.P.G.I.N.F.W.M.Y. Those letters still impact my self-image and my view of other Christians to this day!  They stand for the phrase, "Please Be Patient, God Is Not Finished With Me Yet".  In other words, each of us is still "under construction".

Paul says it this way:  "Become kind to one another..."  I think the word "Becomer" is a good synonym for a Christian.  This is a word of new beginnings; it speaks of something or someone coming into existence. Before I became a Christian, it was not my nature to be kind, tender-hearted, forgiving.  Those are fruits produced in us by the Holy Spirit when we become Believers.

Just as the fragrant blossoms on my fruit trees go through a process in their journey to become oranges and lemons, so God is "ripening" me in my journey to become more like Jesus.  He keeps reminding me that  I must be patient, both with myself and with others, because none of us is a finished product!

Dear Lord,  thank You for being so patient with me!  You know my tendency to be impatient with myself and with others.  Please help me to remember that each of us is a work in progress.  You can see the mature person I will one day become.   Please let me catch a glimpse of him today.  Amen.

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