Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No rotten fruit!

Ephesians 4:29  "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear."

I love my orange tree!   We planted it in the back yard shortly after moving into our house 33 years ago. Each winter since, we have harvested scores of juicy navel oranges.  Even now, as I look out my study window, I see a couple dozen near the top of the tree, just waiting to be picked.

For me, it's hard to beat the cool, sweet taste of a  freshly picked orange.  Occasionally I will select one that has been on the tree a little too long.  When I peel off the rind, instead of finding fresh, sweet fruit, I am greeted with a rotten, sour mess!  What a disappointment!

Sometimes it's like that with me.  God "planted" the Holy Spirit in me nearly 60 years ago and He has been busy producing fruit in my life ever since.  Sometimes the fruit is seen in what I do, but more often it is first tasted in the words I speak.  Just as a tree loaded with navel oranges awakens the anticipation of a delicious treat, so when a fellow-Christian interacts with me, he expects tasteful, appropriate, edifying conversation.

It is so easy to slip into "rotten fruit" conversation.  My speech reveals where I am spending my time, what has captured my attention, and with whom I am most associating.  If I am reading, watching, thinking about things that dishonor God, my words will follow suit.

Dear Lord, please help me to listen more than I speak today... to listen carefully to others, but more importantly, to listen to You before I open my mouth.  Please filter my speech so that what I say will be honest, uplifting, and will reflect Whose child I am.  No rotten fruit today!  Amen.

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