Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just like my old man...

Ephesians 5:1 "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children..."

I used to enjoy watching the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour back in the 1960's.   I loved their satirical sense of humor, and some of their signature lines, like Tommy's "Dad liked you best!" still stick in my mind. So do several of their songs.  One of my favorites was, "Just Like My Old Man", the last stanza of which says, "I'm going to be a  cotton pickin', finger lickin', chicken plucker just like my old man."

I also remember an anti-smoking TV commercial from the same era where a young boy is outdoors walking with his dad.  His dad picks up a rock and throws it.  His son follows suit.  The father begins to whistle a tune and his boy mimics him.  Finally the dad fishes a cigarette out of a pack and lights up.  The commercial ends with the boy looking to his father and then to a cigarette pack he finds on the road.

Both memories tell a similar story.  It's natural for a little boy to grow up imitating his dad, wanting to be just like him   I am fortunate to have had a father who loved the Lord, and it makes me feel good when people tell  me that I remind them of him.  He was a good role model.

What made my dad a good example was that he tried his best to imitate his Heavenly Father.  No, he wasn't perfect.  None of us is.  But he showed me day in and day out what it means to be a child of God, and he directed me to follow Him.  Much of who I am today comes from trying to walk in my dad's footsteps.

Now that I am older, I find myself looking back and hoping that my footsteps have been worth following.  I also keep my eyes focused forward so I don't lose track of the footprints of Him Whom  I try to imitate.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me an earthly dad who was worthy of imitation and who pointed me towards You.  Thank You for adopting me and patiently teaching me what it is to be a godly man.  I still feel like a little boy, watching You and wanting to grow up to be just like "My Old Man" (no disrespect intended).  I would love for people to see a FAMILY resemblance.  Amen.

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