"Inside Out"...
"Inside Out" is the theme for our Junior High this year. It is a simple phrase, yet it encompasses everything about us. It describes a key, foundational principle found throughout Scripture: "being precedes doing."
Why do we do what we do? There are a multitude of motivations for my actions, but what pleases God is when what I do flows from Whose I am. In Luke 2, Jesus is described as having the grace of God upon Him, and the passage goes on to say that "He grew...in favor with God and man."
Paul describes the Macedonian Christians as existing in deep poverty, yet they "set the bar" for generosity as they gave beyond their means to help their suffering brothers in Jerusalem. What motivated them? It wasn't guilt or duty; it was the response of a tender heart moved with compassion by the Holy Spirit. Their giving reflected God in them!
Lord, I want to be like those Macedonian Christians. I give You myself today to do with whatever You please. It's a little scary, but also really exciting! Please let my words, my attitude, my actions reflect Who is inside me; make me sensitive to Your nudging. Please bless someone through me today.
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