Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tying up loose ends....

Titus 1:5    "For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.."

I hate unfinished business.  Although my personality is far from "obsessive-compulsive", unfinished tasks are big stress-producers for me.  "Loose ends" wake me up in the middle of the night; throughout the day they lurk in the back of my mind, subtly pressing for my attention.  They affect my emotions and drain my energy. Oh, what a relief it is when I'm able to "tie them up"!

One of the reasons Paul wrote to Titus was to "set in order what remains".  There was unfinished business, a need to bring some order to the churches of Crete.   There were several congregations, lots of Christians, but no organization, no leadership.  Titus was in Crete to remedy the situation.

It's not just unfinished tasks that fill my "to do" list.  In working with people, I often find that there are "loose ends" in relationships.  The Holy Spirit relentlessly prods me to tie them up.  He convicts me when I've hurt someone with my words, when I've neglected to express appreciation, when I don't follow through with a commitment, when I hold on to offense, when my pride gets in the way of reconciliation.   Resolving those situations, painful as it may be, brings with it peace and joy, relief.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your tenacity.  You never let me off the hook.  Please help me to keep my accounts short, my communication open and loving, my relationships honest and sincere.  I need Your help in tying up any loose ends.  Amen.

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