Friday, January 18, 2013

A heritage of faith...

Ephesians 3:21  ..."to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen."

I've been thinking a lot about "generations" lately.  Yesterday I drove my mom and my aunt to their sister, Mary's, house.  Mary had moved, changed residences, early that morning.  She had been sleeping in her bed in Long Beach and woke up in the arms of Jesus, in her fully-furnished home in Heaven.

The last couple of years have been a period of "address changes" in our family.  Not only have most of my mom's siblings moved to Heaven (only 2 of 7 left), some of my cousins have also made that transition.  It is in that context that Paul's words impact my heart.

In his doxology, Paul ascribes glory to God in the church, in Christ, unto "all generations".  While that phrase refers to the entire family of man, it also speaks to my family.  As my earthly family ages and relocates to Glory, I feel a growing sense of urgency to be sure my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are walking the same path of faith.

It is so easy for me to be caught up in the day-to-day routine of life.  My focus narrows and my field of vision becomes limited to my calendar and task list.  More and more I  feel God's hand under my chin, gently but purposefully, lifting my face and broadening my scope so I can see from His perspective.  I sense the Holy Spirit urging me to realign my attention, to be more involved in my "next generation".  He wants me to be sure His "family name" is passed down to my children, their children, and so on.

Lord, thank You for the heritage of faith You with which You have graced me.  I feel Your love for my family and I ask You to keep their spiritual well-being at the center of my field of vision.  I want to leave a heritage of faith.  Amen.

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