Friday, January 11, 2013

Excuse me....Are you busy?

Ephesians 3:12  " whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him."

"Excuse me, Mr. Brown, are you busy?"  I hear that a lot.  I don't think it's a questioning of my work ethic. Translated, it is more like, "Do you have time for me?"  I usually leave my office door open.  I want to be accessible to staff and students.  It occasionally hinders my concentration, but it also demonstrates that my priority is people rather than paperwork.

It's that way with God.  The door to His throne room is always open to His children.  Unlike Queen Esther, who feared for her life when she entered uninvited into the king's presence, our Heavenly Father waits expectantly for us to drop by.

That the Almighty, the Creator, the King of the Universe would make Himself available to me is mind-boggling.  I can't comprehend it, yet I rejoice in that relationship.  It's not because I deserve it.  It's because one day His Son, Jesus,  personally introduced me to Him.  Through my Savior, I became part of the family!

The other day, when I stopped by to ask a favor, my Father greeted me with, "Hello, it's been awhile since you were here.. Where have you been?  I've missed you!"  How is it that I take this amazing privilege of fellowship with God for granted?

Lord, I come to You this morning grateful and ashamed.  Please forgive me for not spending more time with You.  It seems that the only time we talk is when I want or need something from You.  Thank You for Your patience and grace.  I'm not asking anything from You right now.  I just wanted to say hello and tell You that I love You.  Amen.

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