Thursday, January 10, 2013

I know something you don't know...

Ephesians 3:10   " that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places."

I used to hate it when, as a child, a friend would flaunt the  fact that he possessed some secret knowledge, something I desperately wanted to know.  I loved it when the shoe was on the other foot!  Holding a secret brings with it a sense of power, of privilege.  There's a rush of excitement when we finally "spill the beans."

Paul declares that we (the church) are in that position.  For ages the angels ("rulers and authorities in the heavenly places") longed to know God's plan for His people.  One translator says they were "standing on tiptoe trying to see".  When the time was right to reveal His secret, God chose us to make it known.

I find it humbling, yet empowering, to realize that angelic beings are watching us as we demonstrate God's plan to bring all people together (Jews and Gentiles) through His Son.  In us they are seeing His blueprint unfold.  I don't want to mess that up!  This knowledge drives me back to His Word to make sure I get the message right, and it brings me to my knees in prayer as I seek God's direction, wisdom, discernment and power.  As always, with privilege comes responsibility.

Lord, I am amazed that You would use me to reveal Your secrets to angels!  I feel privileged, yet inadequate, for the job.  Please help me to "get it right" today.  Let my choices, my words and attitudes reflect Your grace and mercy and love today.  Amen.

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