Thursday, January 31, 2013

Herding cats...

Ephesians 4:3  "...being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

I love to watch our kindergarten students walk from one place to another.  Their teacher has trained them to walk quietly in a line with their hands clasped behind them.  She wisely appoints a responsible student to be the "line leader" while she walks at the back to maintain order.  Keeping 5-year-olds in order is hard work.  It's akin to herding cats.

I think I'm like those little children.  Left to my own, I tend to wander, distracted by whatever might catch my attention.  It's easy to get off track, to lose focus, to get out of line.

Paul reminds us in Romans 3:23 that each of us has an innate tendency to "go astray".  We are naturally self-centered, self-absorbed which, in a group setting, produces confusion and disarray.   On the other hand, our new nature, directed by the Holy Spirit, is "others-oriented" and produces unity within a fellowship of Believers.

There exists in every Christian a perpetual state of tension between the old and new nature, a constant struggle for control.  Thus Paul's admonition to "be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit".  Yielding to the Holy Spirit, subduing the natural  inclination to insist on my "rights", is tough.  Preserving unity sometimes feels like a daunting task.

I see the Holy Spirit as the kindergarten teacher, constantly vigilant and ever making individual course corrections.  He is determined to keep the line orderly and functional as we make our way toward the Destination.

Lord, thank You that You haven't left us to fend for ourselves on this journey to Heaven.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit, Who is so adept at "herding cats"!  Please help me to listen and respond to Him as He guides me today.  Amen.

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