Ephesians 5:18 "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit..."
I chuckle whenever I think about Peter's response to his mockers on the
Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit had "fallen" on the Believers and
they were speaking in foreign languages unknown to them. Can you
imagine the cacophony!! Some who witnessed this phenomenon wryly
observed that they must be inebriated, at which Peter exclaimed, "It's
only 9:00 a.m. - It's too early for them to be drunk."
Although they were clueless as to the cause, those who saw and heard the
disciples that Pentecost Sunday morning knew they "weren't themselves".
They were obviously "under the influence"! But under the influence of
what? The Believers' behavior and the crowd's natural curiosity set the stage
for Peter's soul-stirring sermon and the subsequent conversion of more
than 3,000 Jews! And that was just the beginning!!
From this first example of Spirit-filled Believers and subsequent
imperatives such as the one in Ephesians 5, we can extract this
principle: That which fills us controls us, and it is apparent that we
play an active role in the process. We determine what it is that will
fill us. Paul's command has to do with alcohol, but it can be
extrapolated to include the entire set of this world's values and
I fill myself, not just by way of my mouth, but also by what I choose to
watch or read, by that to which I choose to listen, and by those with
whom I choose to associate. I have the power to decide where my
appetite will take me, and that decision will determine my attitude,
language, and actions. It will also impact those who observe me. Will
they be attracted,to or repulsed by, the gospel they see in me?
Dear Lord, You know my natural inclination toward whetting my appetite
with the values and things of this world. You also know that my heart's
desire is to be under the control of the Holy Spirit. Please curb my
natural appetite today; turn my attention to You. Please fill me and
control me. Let those who see me, see You. I desperately want to live
under Your influence. Amen.
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