John 8:7 "...He who is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
We have a "problem child" at home, a canine "problem child" whose name is Oliver. Oliver is still a puppy and we rescued him last summer, a Maltipoo puppy who had been cruelly abused. He has a crooked smile (thanks to someone's foot in his jaw), a cock-eyed front paw, and ears that almost always are inside out. What a cutie! But oh, can he stretch our patience. He is ADHD to the max, has nearly as much energy as he has kisses for us, and he seems to "talk" non-stop. On those days when he wears us out, it is easy to see him as a "problem" to be dealt with. We forget that he's still a baby in need of loving discipline and training.
At school it's hard sometimes to know what to do when I encounter a discipline "problem." I tend to see the child as the problem, particularly if he or she is a repeat offender. I forget that they're kids who happen to have and/or cause problems. I also forget that if someone just looked at my faults, I too could be labeled as a problem.
What a contrast we find in the Scripture between the hearts of the Jewish leaders and the heart of Jesus. They saw the woman caught in adultery as an object, a problem, an opportunity to trap Jesus. He saw her as one of His children in desperate need of mercy, grace, and restoration. They saw themselves as righteous, but Jesus saw their hearts and knew the truth.
Lord, thank you for giving me what I desperately need instead of what I fully deserve. Please help me to see people through your eyes and with your heart today, and to respond accordingly.
Join me in an adventure of uncovering life-changing truths in God's Word. Every Christian is in the process of being "transformed into the image of Christ" (Rom 8:29) and God's Word is the primary instrument in that transformation.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Signed, sealed, and delivered...
2 Corinthians 1:22 "...Who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge." (2 Cor 5:5; Eph 1:13-14)
Joan and I purchased our first house in 1969. It was an exciting, but scary day. We were committing ourselves to 30 years of payments. Could we really manage to come up with $250 a month? It was risky for the bank, too. In signing the contract, they were on the hook for nearly $27,000. That we could purchase a new home in Southern California for so little is unbelievable, but at that time it was serious money. The bank wouldn't just shake hands and take our word that we would repay them. We had to prove our ability to pay and we had to give them a down payment as our guarantee that we would fulfill our obligation.
When one give himself to God in sincere, wholehearted trust, a transaction occurs. God receives us as His own, adopts us as His children, and gives us an inheritance of eternal life. In so doing, He seals us, sets the mark of His signet ring on us, and guarantees us that He will fulfill and complete what He has promised. The Holy Spirit in us is His "down-payment", the "earnest-money", our assurance of that contract.
I grew up loving the Lord, but I was never really confident of my salvation until, as a young pastor, I read these verses (along with the others cited above). It was as if a light bulb suddenly flashed on in my spirit, and I began to understand and experience the assurance of my standing with God. It finally dawned on me that my relationship with God is based on His promises, His character, His faithfulness rather than on my ability to follow Him. My hope is built on Christ and what He did on my behalf, and my life is a response to His grace and mercy!
Lord, thank You for continually demonstrating Your faithfulness. Thank You for not reneging on your promises. Thank You for empowering me to fulfill my end of the bargain. Amen.
Joan and I purchased our first house in 1969. It was an exciting, but scary day. We were committing ourselves to 30 years of payments. Could we really manage to come up with $250 a month? It was risky for the bank, too. In signing the contract, they were on the hook for nearly $27,000. That we could purchase a new home in Southern California for so little is unbelievable, but at that time it was serious money. The bank wouldn't just shake hands and take our word that we would repay them. We had to prove our ability to pay and we had to give them a down payment as our guarantee that we would fulfill our obligation.
When one give himself to God in sincere, wholehearted trust, a transaction occurs. God receives us as His own, adopts us as His children, and gives us an inheritance of eternal life. In so doing, He seals us, sets the mark of His signet ring on us, and guarantees us that He will fulfill and complete what He has promised. The Holy Spirit in us is His "down-payment", the "earnest-money", our assurance of that contract.
I grew up loving the Lord, but I was never really confident of my salvation until, as a young pastor, I read these verses (along with the others cited above). It was as if a light bulb suddenly flashed on in my spirit, and I began to understand and experience the assurance of my standing with God. It finally dawned on me that my relationship with God is based on His promises, His character, His faithfulness rather than on my ability to follow Him. My hope is built on Christ and what He did on my behalf, and my life is a response to His grace and mercy!
Lord, thank You for continually demonstrating Your faithfulness. Thank You for not reneging on your promises. Thank You for empowering me to fulfill my end of the bargain. Amen.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Maintaining equilibrium...
2 Corinthians 1:5 "For just as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so also our comfort in Christ abounds."
I love equations. I like things to balance. Keeping my balance is an ongoing challenge. Every aspect of my, spiritual, emotional, financial, physical is constantly pulling one way or another and it's hard to maintain equilibrium.
It feels that way when I'm suffering. I get discouraged and feel isolated and start to lose hope. The good news is that, just like water seeks its own level, as the level of our suffering increases, so does the level of Christ's comfort and encouragement.
How does that work? The Holy Spirit ("The Comforter") works in our hearts, bringing words of peace, joy, encouragement, hope. He speaks through the Bible and He whispers in our spirit. He also speaks through our brothers and sisters in Christ. He uses us to bring His comfort to others.
I'm so thankful that God's supply of comfort has no limit and that He supplies what I need when I need it.
I love equations. I like things to balance. Keeping my balance is an ongoing challenge. Every aspect of my, spiritual, emotional, financial, physical is constantly pulling one way or another and it's hard to maintain equilibrium.
It feels that way when I'm suffering. I get discouraged and feel isolated and start to lose hope. The good news is that, just like water seeks its own level, as the level of our suffering increases, so does the level of Christ's comfort and encouragement.
How does that work? The Holy Spirit ("The Comforter") works in our hearts, bringing words of peace, joy, encouragement, hope. He speaks through the Bible and He whispers in our spirit. He also speaks through our brothers and sisters in Christ. He uses us to bring His comfort to others.
I'm so thankful that God's supply of comfort has no limit and that He supplies what I need when I need it.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Earning your "credentials"...
2 Corinthians 1:4 "...Who comforts us in all of our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any afflicftion with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."
I had been praying for God to expand my ministry, to give me new opportunities to reach others for Him. I didn't have a clue what that would entail and, at first, I didn't recognize His answer to my prayers. Believe it or not, his answer involved suffering. It was through suffering, and experiencing His compassion and care first hand, that I was able to reach people I couldn't relate to before. Now I can honestly say, "I know how you feel. I understand what you're going through."
By enduring affliction, our faith is authenticated, we are credentialed, and we earn the right to proclaim God's compassion. That's why we can wholeheartedly agree with James when he says, "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials..." God answered two prayers for me through my encounter with suffering: the "Why me?" prayer, and the "Expand my ministry" prayer.
Thank you, Lord!
I had been praying for God to expand my ministry, to give me new opportunities to reach others for Him. I didn't have a clue what that would entail and, at first, I didn't recognize His answer to my prayers. Believe it or not, his answer involved suffering. It was through suffering, and experiencing His compassion and care first hand, that I was able to reach people I couldn't relate to before. Now I can honestly say, "I know how you feel. I understand what you're going through."
By enduring affliction, our faith is authenticated, we are credentialed, and we earn the right to proclaim God's compassion. That's why we can wholeheartedly agree with James when he says, "Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials..." God answered two prayers for me through my encounter with suffering: the "Why me?" prayer, and the "Expand my ministry" prayer.
Thank you, Lord!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hopeless or hopeful?...
2 Corinthians 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort..."
I remember the fear and discouragement, the hopelessness that accompanied the surgeon's matter-of-fact pronouncement of my "5 year survival percentage" -- 25% chance of surviving 5 years. In an instant my expectations, my dreams, my hopes for the future lay shattered at the foot of the hospital bed. Then God drew near, and my outlook changed.
Inherent in the character of God are the qualities of compassion (mercy) and comfort (encouragement). I am so thankful that we do not have a stern, distant, unfeeling, unyielding, judgmental God. Rather, the God we serve is our Father, one who wants us to call Him "Daddy". His love for us overflows with emotion. He is with us in our trials, He understands our pain, fear, and uncertainty. He wraps His arms around us to shelter and protect us. He whispers words of hope and encouragement and gives us strength to carry on.
Thank you, Lord, that You are a personal, loving, caring Father. Please help me and those I love to sense Your nearness today.
I remember the fear and discouragement, the hopelessness that accompanied the surgeon's matter-of-fact pronouncement of my "5 year survival percentage" -- 25% chance of surviving 5 years. In an instant my expectations, my dreams, my hopes for the future lay shattered at the foot of the hospital bed. Then God drew near, and my outlook changed.
Inherent in the character of God are the qualities of compassion (mercy) and comfort (encouragement). I am so thankful that we do not have a stern, distant, unfeeling, unyielding, judgmental God. Rather, the God we serve is our Father, one who wants us to call Him "Daddy". His love for us overflows with emotion. He is with us in our trials, He understands our pain, fear, and uncertainty. He wraps His arms around us to shelter and protect us. He whispers words of hope and encouragement and gives us strength to carry on.
Thank you, Lord, that You are a personal, loving, caring Father. Please help me and those I love to sense Your nearness today.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Looking beyond the obvious...
John 7 :34 "Stop judging by a person's outward appearance; and make a right judgment."
I had to call tech support for my DSL service last evening. As soon as I heard the voice on the other end of the phone, my heart sank and my tension rose. I had a difficult time understanding what he was saying and it was obvious to me that the service center had been outsourced. After an hour and a half and still no resolution, I hung up and pondered what had transpired. Then I read this verse in my morning devotions. It reminded me of what God to Samuel in 1 Sam 16:7. "....God doesn't look at man like man does. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."
How many time do we judge a person's intelligence or lack thereof by his or her ability to speak English well? How do the people I encounter in Mexico each month regard my intelligence by the way I butcher the Spanish language?! If I'm honest, I too often "judge the book by it's cover." First impressions carry far too much weight. Just look at geode. At first glance it appears to be a rather ugly, ordinary rock. But break it open and inside you discover a most beautiful, sparkling array of brilliantly colored crystals .
God is convicting me to dig below the surface, to take the time to get to know someone before I pass judgment. I need the Holy Spirit's discernment. I don't want to miss one of God's "geodes". :-)
I had to call tech support for my DSL service last evening. As soon as I heard the voice on the other end of the phone, my heart sank and my tension rose. I had a difficult time understanding what he was saying and it was obvious to me that the service center had been outsourced. After an hour and a half and still no resolution, I hung up and pondered what had transpired. Then I read this verse in my morning devotions. It reminded me of what God to Samuel in 1 Sam 16:7. "....God doesn't look at man like man does. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."
How many time do we judge a person's intelligence or lack thereof by his or her ability to speak English well? How do the people I encounter in Mexico each month regard my intelligence by the way I butcher the Spanish language?! If I'm honest, I too often "judge the book by it's cover." First impressions carry far too much weight. Just look at geode. At first glance it appears to be a rather ugly, ordinary rock. But break it open and inside you discover a most beautiful, sparkling array of brilliantly colored crystals .
God is convicting me to dig below the surface, to take the time to get to know someone before I pass judgment. I need the Holy Spirit's discernment. I don't want to miss one of God's "geodes". :-)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Well, shut my mouth!!
Proverbs 18:13 "He who answers before listening, that is to his folly and to his shame."
I've lost count of how many times I've been guilty of what Solomon warns about. I think I'm paying attention to what is being said, but before hearing the whole thing, I either interrupt and finish the speaker's sentence or take off to do what I assume I was asked to do. Oops! Big mistake.
Listening carefully and patiently is respectful and essential to clear communication. After 45 years of marriage, I'm still trying to master that skill. One of these days I'm going to surprise my wife and go a whole 24 hours without interrupting her. :-)
It's that way in my relationship with God, too. I get so anxious to do what I think He's asking that I don't wait to hear the whole message. I'm learning that listening well is just as important as obeying Him. It builds and nurtures relationship. It shows respect and honor. It results in understanding and intelligent obedience. It's a discipline that is difficult for me. One of these days I'm going to surprise God (Is that possible?!) and listen patiently to Him before I speak or act.
Lord, thank you for your patience with me. Please, Holy Spirit, open my ears and put your hand over my mouth. Help me to listen carefully as You speak today. I'm trying.
I've lost count of how many times I've been guilty of what Solomon warns about. I think I'm paying attention to what is being said, but before hearing the whole thing, I either interrupt and finish the speaker's sentence or take off to do what I assume I was asked to do. Oops! Big mistake.
Listening carefully and patiently is respectful and essential to clear communication. After 45 years of marriage, I'm still trying to master that skill. One of these days I'm going to surprise my wife and go a whole 24 hours without interrupting her. :-)
It's that way in my relationship with God, too. I get so anxious to do what I think He's asking that I don't wait to hear the whole message. I'm learning that listening well is just as important as obeying Him. It builds and nurtures relationship. It shows respect and honor. It results in understanding and intelligent obedience. It's a discipline that is difficult for me. One of these days I'm going to surprise God (Is that possible?!) and listen patiently to Him before I speak or act.
Lord, thank you for your patience with me. Please, Holy Spirit, open my ears and put your hand over my mouth. Help me to listen carefully as You speak today. I'm trying.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Blend in or stand out?...camouflage or contrast?
John 7:7 "The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil."
Jesus was talking to His brothers, who did not believe Him to be the Messiah. They were "of the world"; their outlook, their values were those of the society in which they lived. Jesus, on the other hand, stood for righteousness; His values were those of God, of Truth. His words and His life were a mirror in which the world was forced to see itself as it was. It didn't like the reflection so they decided to break the mirror.
Jesus stated a principle that still stands today. If we go along with, conform to, the standards and values of our society, we won't face much opposition. However, if we choose to stand up for Truth and speak out against sin, we become a target. We have a choice to we blend in or do we stand out? If we truly desire to become like Jesus, we have made the choice...we will stand out and, in so doing, we will inevitably suffer with Him.
Lord, thank you for giving us Truth, and for showing us how to live it out. Please give me the boldness to stand for You. Let my choices, my words, my attitudes today reflect You. Help me to stand up for You and stand out in contrast to this world's values. I choose to wear "white" rather than "camouflage"!
Jesus was talking to His brothers, who did not believe Him to be the Messiah. They were "of the world"; their outlook, their values were those of the society in which they lived. Jesus, on the other hand, stood for righteousness; His values were those of God, of Truth. His words and His life were a mirror in which the world was forced to see itself as it was. It didn't like the reflection so they decided to break the mirror.
Jesus stated a principle that still stands today. If we go along with, conform to, the standards and values of our society, we won't face much opposition. However, if we choose to stand up for Truth and speak out against sin, we become a target. We have a choice to we blend in or do we stand out? If we truly desire to become like Jesus, we have made the choice...we will stand out and, in so doing, we will inevitably suffer with Him.
Lord, thank you for giving us Truth, and for showing us how to live it out. Please give me the boldness to stand for You. Let my choices, my words, my attitudes today reflect You. Help me to stand up for You and stand out in contrast to this world's values. I choose to wear "white" rather than "camouflage"!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Are you ready?...
2 Peter 3:14 "Therefore, beloved brethren, since you are looking for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless."
Our KidZone preschool recently had a visit from the state inspector. It was an unscheduled, surprise visit (as is their policy) and the inspector thoroughly evaluated every aspect of the school's operation. The result: a glowing affirmation, a "100% compliance"! Preschool directors often dread such visits, but they must always be prepared for them. It requires diligence, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. I'm really proud of our director and her staff.
In this text, Peter speaks of another "drop-in" visit. It is Jesus who will be "dropping in". Although the Father has the date and time already planned, for us it will come as a surprise. In helping us prepare for the event, Peter uses two verbs . The first describes our attitude. He says our outlook should be an "up-look". We ought to be anticipating His return, looking forward to each day as "THE DAY". With that in mind, the second verb deals with our actions. We are to be diligent, consistently focused on serving Him, living in a way that honors Him. Our daily walk is to be characterized by peace and purity.
Lord, You know that my ultimate goal is to live in such a way that You are proud of me. I long to hear you say, "Well done!" Please, amidst all the busyness, help me today to stay focused on serving You. Amen.
Our KidZone preschool recently had a visit from the state inspector. It was an unscheduled, surprise visit (as is their policy) and the inspector thoroughly evaluated every aspect of the school's operation. The result: a glowing affirmation, a "100% compliance"! Preschool directors often dread such visits, but they must always be prepared for them. It requires diligence, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence. I'm really proud of our director and her staff.
In this text, Peter speaks of another "drop-in" visit. It is Jesus who will be "dropping in". Although the Father has the date and time already planned, for us it will come as a surprise. In helping us prepare for the event, Peter uses two verbs . The first describes our attitude. He says our outlook should be an "up-look". We ought to be anticipating His return, looking forward to each day as "THE DAY". With that in mind, the second verb deals with our actions. We are to be diligent, consistently focused on serving Him, living in a way that honors Him. Our daily walk is to be characterized by peace and purity.
Lord, You know that my ultimate goal is to live in such a way that You are proud of me. I long to hear you say, "Well done!" Please, amidst all the busyness, help me today to stay focused on serving You. Amen.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Breaking loose from the tractor beam...
2 Peter 2:9 "The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation/trial..."
Sometimes I feel like a space ship in Star Trek, caught in a "tractor beam" and pulled relentlessly , regardless of my struggling, toward the mother ship. Whether it's a recurring temptation or a circumstance that is wearing me down and seemingly has no solution, it is easy to become discouraged and give in/give up.
Peter reaffirms what Paul said in 1 Cor. 10:13 ("God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted/tested beyond what you are able to endure, but will provide a way of escape, that you might be able to endure it.") God is the ultimate search and rescue expert.
No matter what you and I may face today, He is there with us. Thank God for His Word that illumines my path and for the HS who lives in me and He guides, directs, protects, rescues me. He knows my strengths, weaknesses, my inclinations, and my limits. He is faithful.
Lord, thank you that I can trust you for the faith and strength I need to be victorious today. Amen.
Sometimes I feel like a space ship in Star Trek, caught in a "tractor beam" and pulled relentlessly , regardless of my struggling, toward the mother ship. Whether it's a recurring temptation or a circumstance that is wearing me down and seemingly has no solution, it is easy to become discouraged and give in/give up.
Peter reaffirms what Paul said in 1 Cor. 10:13 ("God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted/tested beyond what you are able to endure, but will provide a way of escape, that you might be able to endure it.") God is the ultimate search and rescue expert.
No matter what you and I may face today, He is there with us. Thank God for His Word that illumines my path and for the HS who lives in me and He guides, directs, protects, rescues me. He knows my strengths, weaknesses, my inclinations, and my limits. He is faithful.
Lord, thank you that I can trust you for the faith and strength I need to be victorious today. Amen.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
A word from God...
2 Peter 1:21 "For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
I love to read. I usually have more than one book going at a time. Occasionally I'll read a book that impacts me significantly. I'll mark it up, put sticky notes on pages I want to bookmark - yes, I still read real books with paper pages! I also read the Bible every morning. It, too, is marked up and bookmarked. It is an old friend.
Peter very simply states a truth that I often take for granted. The God of the universe, the "Majestic Glory" (vs. 17), has chosen to communicate with me in language I can comprehend. I actually have the privilege of reading a message from God Himself! Even though I am faithful in spending time in the Word, I must confess that I don't treasure that gift as I ought. I forget that this is not a letter from Peter I'm's a letter from the Lord.
The Bible isn't a book to read and casually set aside while we go about our day. It is direct communication to us from our Savior. It is something to be valued, treasured.
Lord, please help me to give Your Word a higher priority in my day today. Please help to treasure it in my heart so that it motivates, guides, directs my attitudes, actions, and speech today.
I love to read. I usually have more than one book going at a time. Occasionally I'll read a book that impacts me significantly. I'll mark it up, put sticky notes on pages I want to bookmark - yes, I still read real books with paper pages! I also read the Bible every morning. It, too, is marked up and bookmarked. It is an old friend.
Peter very simply states a truth that I often take for granted. The God of the universe, the "Majestic Glory" (vs. 17), has chosen to communicate with me in language I can comprehend. I actually have the privilege of reading a message from God Himself! Even though I am faithful in spending time in the Word, I must confess that I don't treasure that gift as I ought. I forget that this is not a letter from Peter I'm's a letter from the Lord.
The Bible isn't a book to read and casually set aside while we go about our day. It is direct communication to us from our Savior. It is something to be valued, treasured.
Lord, please help me to give Your Word a higher priority in my day today. Please help to treasure it in my heart so that it motivates, guides, directs my attitudes, actions, and speech today.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Please...remind me!
2 Peter 1:12 "Therefore I shall always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them and have been established in the truth which is present with you."
I watched an exciting football game yesterday afternoon. Although I am a diehard Charger fan, I was rooting for Tim Tebow and the Broncos to be beat the Steelers. What an exciting finish! Throughout the game the commentators referred to what they had observed during the daily practices, and it got me to thinking. These are professional football players, the best of the best. They know what they're doing. Why, then do they need to practice? Why to they need to be reminded of things they had already mastered?
Death was imminent for Peter and he wanted to be sure that after he was gone, his Christian friends would remain strong in the faith. So, even though they were well established in the faith, he continued to remind them of Scriptural principles and truths. He knew how easy it is to become complacent, to lose one's edge, and to stumble.
Just as professional athletes need coaches to keep them sharp and competitive, so we as Christians need to continually be reminded of who and Whose we are. We also have the responsibility to remind our brothers and sisters. That's what fellowship is all about. That's why we need a close circle of Christian friends with whom we are mutually accountable. That's why we need to regularly fellowship in a church.
I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life...people who love me enough to hold me accountable. I want to be at the top of my game and I need them to help me get there.
I watched an exciting football game yesterday afternoon. Although I am a diehard Charger fan, I was rooting for Tim Tebow and the Broncos to be beat the Steelers. What an exciting finish! Throughout the game the commentators referred to what they had observed during the daily practices, and it got me to thinking. These are professional football players, the best of the best. They know what they're doing. Why, then do they need to practice? Why to they need to be reminded of things they had already mastered?
Death was imminent for Peter and he wanted to be sure that after he was gone, his Christian friends would remain strong in the faith. So, even though they were well established in the faith, he continued to remind them of Scriptural principles and truths. He knew how easy it is to become complacent, to lose one's edge, and to stumble.
Just as professional athletes need coaches to keep them sharp and competitive, so we as Christians need to continually be reminded of who and Whose we are. We also have the responsibility to remind our brothers and sisters. That's what fellowship is all about. That's why we need a close circle of Christian friends with whom we are mutually accountable. That's why we need to regularly fellowship in a church.
I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life...people who love me enough to hold me accountable. I want to be at the top of my game and I need them to help me get there.
Friday, January 6, 2012
My entrance to Heaven...Supersize it!
2 Peter 1:11 "for in this way the entrance to the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you."
My friend, John Beach entered Heaven a couple of weeks ago. He didn't sneak in the side door. He didn't stroll unnoticed through the front gates. He made a grand entrance!. As word spread of his impending arrival, ripples of anticipation went through the gathering crowd of angels. Choirs assembled, cheerleaders donned their uniforms and gathered their pom-poms. Everything was ready, and when John made his appearance, Heaven broke loose in a great celebration. Music blared, crowds cheered their welcome, and confetti rained down. Then, as the crowds parted, John looked up to see the smiling face of Jesus, and he collapsed into His Savior's waiting embrace.
How do I know that's what happened? Peter describes it. Our entrance into Heaven is described with two words. The word "supplied" has a prefix which amplifies it, so that the meaning is something like "super-sized". The adjective means "richly" or "abundantly". Our entrance to Heaven can literally be a GRAND ENTRANCE!
In the previous verses Peter describes the process of a Christian's spiritual growth. He goes on to say that by being careful to follow that pattern, we will live victoriously and can look forward to a huge Heavenly welcome. That's how John Beach lived and that's how he was ushered into Heaven. That's what I want.
Lord, thank you for welcoming my friend so lavishly. Please help me to walk carefully with You today, trusting You, following Your lead.
My friend, John Beach entered Heaven a couple of weeks ago. He didn't sneak in the side door. He didn't stroll unnoticed through the front gates. He made a grand entrance!. As word spread of his impending arrival, ripples of anticipation went through the gathering crowd of angels. Choirs assembled, cheerleaders donned their uniforms and gathered their pom-poms. Everything was ready, and when John made his appearance, Heaven broke loose in a great celebration. Music blared, crowds cheered their welcome, and confetti rained down. Then, as the crowds parted, John looked up to see the smiling face of Jesus, and he collapsed into His Savior's waiting embrace.
How do I know that's what happened? Peter describes it. Our entrance into Heaven is described with two words. The word "supplied" has a prefix which amplifies it, so that the meaning is something like "super-sized". The adjective means "richly" or "abundantly". Our entrance to Heaven can literally be a GRAND ENTRANCE!
In the previous verses Peter describes the process of a Christian's spiritual growth. He goes on to say that by being careful to follow that pattern, we will live victoriously and can look forward to a huge Heavenly welcome. That's how John Beach lived and that's how he was ushered into Heaven. That's what I want.
Lord, thank you for welcoming my friend so lavishly. Please help me to walk carefully with You today, trusting You, following Your lead.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
How to become a "Master Christian"...
2 Peter 1:5-7 " you faith supply moral excellence; and in your moral excellence, knowledge; and in your knowledge, self-control; and in your self-control, perseverance; and in your perseverance, godliness; and in your godliness, brotherly kindness; and in your brotherly kindness, love."
I love to build things. Cabinet-making is my hobby and I enjoy teaching this skill to junior high students at our school. Most of these young people have never touched a power tool and haven't the slightest idea where to start in building something. It would be disastrous to provide them with plans, materials, and turn them loose with a table saw, router, and a nail gun. There is an orderly, step-by-step learning process, moving from simple to more complex procedures.
Peter suggests something similar in our spiritual development. He provides us with a developmental list of Christ-like character traits. It's not that we have to master one before we can move on to the next. They are all being shaped in us simultaneously by the Holy Spirit. But, on the other hand, each of the traits does form a foundation for the next; each gives us the tools necessary for the quality that follows.
I'm thankful that, like my students, I am not expected to be a "master Christian" overnight. Thank God for His long-suffering towards us! He patiently works in our hearts, chipping off the rough edges, shaping us into the image of Jesus. Hopefully, when I look in the mirror of His Word place.
I love to build things. Cabinet-making is my hobby and I enjoy teaching this skill to junior high students at our school. Most of these young people have never touched a power tool and haven't the slightest idea where to start in building something. It would be disastrous to provide them with plans, materials, and turn them loose with a table saw, router, and a nail gun. There is an orderly, step-by-step learning process, moving from simple to more complex procedures.
Peter suggests something similar in our spiritual development. He provides us with a developmental list of Christ-like character traits. It's not that we have to master one before we can move on to the next. They are all being shaped in us simultaneously by the Holy Spirit. But, on the other hand, each of the traits does form a foundation for the next; each gives us the tools necessary for the quality that follows.
I'm thankful that, like my students, I am not expected to be a "master Christian" overnight. Thank God for His long-suffering towards us! He patiently works in our hearts, chipping off the rough edges, shaping us into the image of Jesus. Hopefully, when I look in the mirror of His Word place.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Pumping iron...are you a "spiritual stud"?
2 Peter 1:5 "but for this very reason alone, having brought in all diligence, in your faith supply virtue..."
I remember going to the weight room at Brethren High School in 1981. Several football players were pumping iron and the place reeked of sweat. Although I was only 36 at the time, to these young studs I was over the hill, ancient. They were bench-pressing 250 lbs. and more. Then I took a turn. Under their watchful, skeptical eyes, I was barely able to press 160 lbs., not even my own weight. As they smirked, I quipped, "Don't be too quick to laugh...someday you'll be just like me!" You should have seen the looks of horror and disbelief as they tried to visualize themselves as old men!
Physical and spiritual growth: some aspects are different and others are similar. Unlike getting taller physically, growing spiritually is not automatic; it doesn't just "happen". However, just like getting in shape and developing my body requires effort and discipline, work on my part is essential to becoming more like Jesus. Another dissimilarity...we gradually lose our physical strength as we age, but spiritual development is just the opposite. Spiritual maturity doesn't necessary correlate with physical age. If graphed, spiritual growth ought to show a continual up-slope.
Lord, I don't want to be a slacker. Please help me today to diligently follow You. Thank You for allowing me to participate with You in growing spiritually. Please continue to develop self-discipline in me, in my prayer life and Bible study. I want to increase my "spiritual weight lifting"; I want to become a "spiritual stud". :-)
I remember going to the weight room at Brethren High School in 1981. Several football players were pumping iron and the place reeked of sweat. Although I was only 36 at the time, to these young studs I was over the hill, ancient. They were bench-pressing 250 lbs. and more. Then I took a turn. Under their watchful, skeptical eyes, I was barely able to press 160 lbs., not even my own weight. As they smirked, I quipped, "Don't be too quick to laugh...someday you'll be just like me!" You should have seen the looks of horror and disbelief as they tried to visualize themselves as old men!
Physical and spiritual growth: some aspects are different and others are similar. Unlike getting taller physically, growing spiritually is not automatic; it doesn't just "happen". However, just like getting in shape and developing my body requires effort and discipline, work on my part is essential to becoming more like Jesus. Another dissimilarity...we gradually lose our physical strength as we age, but spiritual development is just the opposite. Spiritual maturity doesn't necessary correlate with physical age. If graphed, spiritual growth ought to show a continual up-slope.
Lord, I don't want to be a slacker. Please help me today to diligently follow You. Thank You for allowing me to participate with You in growing spiritually. Please continue to develop self-discipline in me, in my prayer life and Bible study. I want to increase my "spiritual weight lifting"; I want to become a "spiritual stud". :-)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
God in me?....God in me!!!
2 Peter 1:4 "...that by them (His precious and magnificent promises) you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust."
God's promises are not empty words. They are powerful, so powerful that by them my heart has been turned inside-out and I am in the process of becoming more like Him. It is by His promises that, like Paul says in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me..." It is by His promises that I am able to escape situations that formerly would have tripped me up, caused me to stumble in sin. It is by His promises that God actually, "for real", lives in me! His Holy Spirit is alive and vibrant in my heart, carefully leading and guiding me throughout the day, helping me to maneuver through the spiritual minefields Satan has laid out.
Because of God's promises, as one who trusts in Jesus Christ, I have become more than who I used to be. I have the unthinkable, unimaginable privilege of living every minute in intimate fellowship ("partaker") with the Creator of the universe!
How is it then, that I so often take His presence in me for granted? How can I walk through the day on autopilot, oblivious to Him, deaf to His voice, blind to His leading, insensitive to His nudging?
Oh, God, please forgive me! Help me, Holy Spirit, to actively, excitedly join You in the adventure You have planned for me today. I can hardly wait!
God's promises are not empty words. They are powerful, so powerful that by them my heart has been turned inside-out and I am in the process of becoming more like Him. It is by His promises that, like Paul says in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me..." It is by His promises that I am able to escape situations that formerly would have tripped me up, caused me to stumble in sin. It is by His promises that God actually, "for real", lives in me! His Holy Spirit is alive and vibrant in my heart, carefully leading and guiding me throughout the day, helping me to maneuver through the spiritual minefields Satan has laid out.
Because of God's promises, as one who trusts in Jesus Christ, I have become more than who I used to be. I have the unthinkable, unimaginable privilege of living every minute in intimate fellowship ("partaker") with the Creator of the universe!
How is it then, that I so often take His presence in me for granted? How can I walk through the day on autopilot, oblivious to Him, deaf to His voice, blind to His leading, insensitive to His nudging?
Oh, God, please forgive me! Help me, Holy Spirit, to actively, excitedly join You in the adventure You have planned for me today. I can hardly wait!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Promises, promises...
2 Peter 1:4 "For by these (His glory and moral excellence) He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises..."
Okay, I promise....I'll do it in a little while. How many times have you either been disappointed by someone's failure to keep a promise, or you have disappointed someone else? Promises just don't seem to be as important to people anymore. It's hard to trust that someone will actually do what he says he will.
A promise is only as good as a person's ability to fulfill what was promised, and his willingness to do it. Peter tells us that God's omnipotent power and His character form the basis for His promises to us. What more can we ask? Not only is He able, He is committed to doing what He has said He would. His Word is sure. What He says, He will do. He never reneges. His promises are something to bank on.
Lord, thank you for your many promises to me. Please help me to keep them in mind and to patiently trust you to fulfill them.
Okay, I promise....I'll do it in a little while. How many times have you either been disappointed by someone's failure to keep a promise, or you have disappointed someone else? Promises just don't seem to be as important to people anymore. It's hard to trust that someone will actually do what he says he will.
A promise is only as good as a person's ability to fulfill what was promised, and his willingness to do it. Peter tells us that God's omnipotent power and His character form the basis for His promises to us. What more can we ask? Not only is He able, He is committed to doing what He has said He would. His Word is sure. What He says, He will do. He never reneges. His promises are something to bank on.
Lord, thank you for your many promises to me. Please help me to keep them in mind and to patiently trust you to fulfill them.
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