Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well, shut my mouth!!

Proverbs 18:13 "He who answers before listening, that is to his folly and to his shame."

I've lost count of how many times I've been guilty of what Solomon warns about.  I think I'm paying attention to what is being said, but before hearing the whole thing, I either interrupt and finish the speaker's sentence or take off to do what I assume I was asked to do.  Oops!  Big mistake.

Listening carefully and patiently is respectful and essential to clear communication.  After 45 years of marriage, I'm still trying to master that skill.  One of these days I'm going to surprise my wife and go a whole 24 hours without interrupting her. :-)

It's that way in my relationship with God, too.  I get so anxious to do what I think He's asking that I don't wait to hear the whole message.  I'm learning that listening well is just as important as obeying Him.  It builds and nurtures relationship.  It shows respect and honor.  It results in understanding and intelligent obedience.  It's a discipline that is difficult for me.  One of these days I'm going to surprise God (Is that possible?!) and listen patiently to Him before I speak or act.

Lord, thank you for your patience with me.  Please, Holy Spirit, open my ears and put your hand over my mouth.  Help me to listen carefully as You speak today.  I'm trying.

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