Monday, January 30, 2012

Signed, sealed, and delivered...

2 Corinthians 1:22  "...Who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge." (2 Cor 5:5; Eph 1:13-14)

Joan and I purchased our first house in 1969.  It was an exciting, but scary day.  We were committing ourselves to 30 years of payments.  Could we really manage to come up with $250 a month?   It was risky for the bank, too.  In signing the contract, they were on the hook for nearly $27,000.  That we could purchase a new home in Southern California for so little is unbelievable, but at that time it was serious money.  The bank wouldn't just shake hands and take our word that we would repay them.  We had to prove our ability to pay and we had to give them a down payment as our guarantee that we would fulfill our obligation.

When one give himself to God in sincere, wholehearted trust, a transaction occurs. God receives us as His own, adopts us as His children, and gives us an inheritance of eternal life.  In so doing, He seals us, sets the mark of His signet ring on us, and guarantees us that He will fulfill and complete what He has promised.  The Holy Spirit in us is His "down-payment", the "earnest-money", our assurance of that contract.

I grew up loving the Lord, but I was never really confident of my salvation until, as a young pastor, I read these verses (along with the others cited above).  It was as if a light bulb suddenly flashed on in my spirit, and I began to understand and experience the assurance of my standing with God.  It finally dawned on me that my relationship with God is based on His promises, His character, His faithfulness rather than on my ability to follow Him.  My hope is built on Christ and what He did on my behalf, and my life is a response to His grace and mercy!

Lord, thank You for continually demonstrating Your faithfulness.  Thank You for not reneging on your promises.  Thank You for empowering me to fulfill my end of the bargain.  Amen.

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