Monday, January 2, 2012

Promises, promises...

2 Peter 1:4 "For by these (His glory and moral excellence) He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises..."

Okay, I promise....I'll do it in a little while.  How many times have you either been disappointed by someone's failure to keep a promise, or you have disappointed someone else?  Promises just don't seem to be as important to people anymore.  It's hard to trust that someone will actually do what he says he will.

A promise is only as good as a person's ability to fulfill what was promised, and his willingness to do it.  Peter tells us that God's omnipotent power and  His character form the basis for His promises to us.  What more can we ask?  Not only is He able, He is committed to doing what He has said He would.  His Word is sure.  What He says, He will do.  He never reneges.  His promises are something to bank on.

Lord, thank you for your many promises to me.  Please help me to keep them in mind and to patiently trust you to fulfill them.

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