2 Peter 1:12 "Therefore I shall always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them and have been established in the truth which is present with you."
I watched an exciting football game yesterday afternoon. Although I am a diehard Charger fan, I was rooting for Tim Tebow and the Broncos to be beat the Steelers. What an exciting finish! Throughout the game the commentators referred to what they had observed during the daily practices, and it got me to thinking. These are professional football players, the best of the best. They know what they're doing. Why, then do they need to practice? Why to they need to be reminded of things they had already mastered?
Death was imminent for Peter and he wanted to be sure that after he was gone, his Christian friends would remain strong in the faith. So, even though they were well established in the faith, he continued to remind them of Scriptural principles and truths. He knew how easy it is to become complacent, to lose one's edge, and to stumble.
Just as professional athletes need coaches to keep them sharp and competitive, so we as Christians need to continually be reminded of who and Whose we are. We also have the responsibility to remind our brothers and sisters. That's what fellowship is all about. That's why we need a close circle of Christian friends with whom we are mutually accountable. That's why we need to regularly fellowship in a church.
I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life...people who love me enough to hold me accountable. I want to be at the top of my game and I need them to help me get there.
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