2 Corinthians 3:2-3 "You are our letter, written in our hearts, known
and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ,
cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living
God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
In this day of texts, emails, instant messaging, and social media, the
art of letter writing is making its exit; it is becoming an "endangered
species" on the verge of extinction. So called "snail mail" is passé,
used by many as a last resort of communication. If Paul were to write
his letter to the Corinthians today, he might have said, "You are our
website, our Facebook page, our Twitter posting..."
Nonetheless, his point transcends the method of communication. The gist
of it is this... who we are, how we act and speak, the way we treat
each other transmits a message. Our lives are "living letters" (or
emails, if you like!). People learn about Jesus by "reading" us. What
an overwhelming privilege and responsibility God has given us! As one
person put it, "You are the only Jesus some people will ever see."
Lord, I confess my inadequacy for this task. I'm afraid that because of
me, some people will have a skewed perception of You. I misspeak, I
overreact, I'm insensitive to others' needs, and that doesn't portray
You very well. Please, Holy Spirt, control me today. When people
"read" me today, let them see Jesus more clearly. Amen.
Join me in an adventure of uncovering life-changing truths in God's Word. Every Christian is in the process of being "transformed into the image of Christ" (Rom 8:29) and God's Word is the primary instrument in that transformation.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The Ultimate Makeover...
2 Corinthians 5:21 "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our
behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
Among T.V. reality shows you will find a couple of "extreme makeovers". . . the "Home Edition" and the "Weight Loss Edition". I am fascinated by both of them because they are, indeed, extreme. The climax of both shows is the contrast between "before" and "after", and it's hard to believe the results.
Paul reminds us that, as Christians, we are blessed to be part of the "Ultimate Makeover - Life Edition"! Just as I have a hard time believing the physical transformations of houses and bodies on T.V., it is difficult for me to comprehend that Jesus has done for and in me. He, who was sinless (perfectly righteous) allowed Himself to become sin (totally guilty). In exchange, we who had not one shred of righteousness, became righteousness (sinless) by means of His atoning sacrifice.
From God's perspective, because of what Jesus did on my behalf. I am righteous, pure, whole.... totally "made-over"!
I would like to see a T.V. program that revisits the "made-over" homes and the people a year or two later. I wonder if they still look as good as they did at the conclusion of the show. I would guess not.
That's how I feel about myself. I have been totally made-over on the inside, but I don't always look like it, act like it, feel like it. It's as if I hear the Holy Spirit calling on the loud-speaker, "Clean up on aisle 7!" I need daily cleaning, mopping, dusting, vacuuming.
Dear Jesus, Thank You for what You did and continue to do for me, in me, through me. Please help me today to better resemble the person Your Father sees me to be. Amen.
Among T.V. reality shows you will find a couple of "extreme makeovers". . . the "Home Edition" and the "Weight Loss Edition". I am fascinated by both of them because they are, indeed, extreme. The climax of both shows is the contrast between "before" and "after", and it's hard to believe the results.
Paul reminds us that, as Christians, we are blessed to be part of the "Ultimate Makeover - Life Edition"! Just as I have a hard time believing the physical transformations of houses and bodies on T.V., it is difficult for me to comprehend that Jesus has done for and in me. He, who was sinless (perfectly righteous) allowed Himself to become sin (totally guilty). In exchange, we who had not one shred of righteousness, became righteousness (sinless) by means of His atoning sacrifice.
From God's perspective, because of what Jesus did on my behalf. I am righteous, pure, whole.... totally "made-over"!
I would like to see a T.V. program that revisits the "made-over" homes and the people a year or two later. I wonder if they still look as good as they did at the conclusion of the show. I would guess not.
That's how I feel about myself. I have been totally made-over on the inside, but I don't always look like it, act like it, feel like it. It's as if I hear the Holy Spirit calling on the loud-speaker, "Clean up on aisle 7!" I need daily cleaning, mopping, dusting, vacuuming.
Dear Jesus, Thank You for what You did and continue to do for me, in me, through me. Please help me today to better resemble the person Your Father sees me to be. Amen.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"Hoover Dam and Christ's Love..."
2 Corinthians 5:14 "For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died..."
Not too long ago our family visited Hoover Dam. On one side of the dam is Lake Mead, billions of gallons of water held back by this gigantic concrete and steel wall. On the other side is a deep valley with Colorado River flowing from the dam. The dam exists, not only to create a beautiful lake, but to produce power, electricity for millions of people. How? Water from one side is channelled, compressed as it flows through narrow openings in the dam. The "compressed" water moves giant turbines which generate electrical energy.
That's what the word "controls" conveys. It means to "hold tightly". In some contexts it has the idea of constraining, in others it conveys comfort and security. Here it's the idea of channeling us, directing us, like the spillway on a dam compacts and directs the flow of water.
Paul says Christ's love for him is compelling. It was the motivation for all that he did. It raises the question, "What is it that drives me? Why do I do what I do? What is my motivation?" If I'm completely honest, I don't often consciously think of Christ's love as the driving force. Yet, as I reflect, I can truthfully, whole-heartedly affirm that it is my reason for being. Somehow, I need to bring that affirmation to the forefront, to purposefully reflect on it more often. I think it will make a difference in my daily experience.
Lord, thank You for your extravagant love for me. Forgive me for so often taking it for granted, not giving it a second thought. Thank You for reminding me of it's foundational importance in my life. Amen.
Not too long ago our family visited Hoover Dam. On one side of the dam is Lake Mead, billions of gallons of water held back by this gigantic concrete and steel wall. On the other side is a deep valley with Colorado River flowing from the dam. The dam exists, not only to create a beautiful lake, but to produce power, electricity for millions of people. How? Water from one side is channelled, compressed as it flows through narrow openings in the dam. The "compressed" water moves giant turbines which generate electrical energy.
That's what the word "controls" conveys. It means to "hold tightly". In some contexts it has the idea of constraining, in others it conveys comfort and security. Here it's the idea of channeling us, directing us, like the spillway on a dam compacts and directs the flow of water.
Paul says Christ's love for him is compelling. It was the motivation for all that he did. It raises the question, "What is it that drives me? Why do I do what I do? What is my motivation?" If I'm completely honest, I don't often consciously think of Christ's love as the driving force. Yet, as I reflect, I can truthfully, whole-heartedly affirm that it is my reason for being. Somehow, I need to bring that affirmation to the forefront, to purposefully reflect on it more often. I think it will make a difference in my daily experience.
Lord, thank You for your extravagant love for me. Forgive me for so often taking it for granted, not giving it a second thought. Thank You for reminding me of it's foundational importance in my life. Amen.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Ultimate Exchange...
2 Corinthians 5:18 "Now all these things are from God, who
reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of
reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to
Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has
committed to us the word of reconciliation."
Each month I go to Mexico. My friends and I drive to some railroad tracks southeast of Tijuana, almost to Tecate, taking food, toys, toiletries, and other items the Lord gives to us. We are inevitably greeted by a crowd of 100 or so men, women, and children (and scores of dogs!) with whom we have become acquainted over the years. They are the poorest of the poor, living in little one-room shanties alongside the tracks, no water, electricity, or plumbing.
We make a stop in San Ysidro before crossing the border for a very important task.... exchanging dollars for pesos. We're always hoping for a good exchange rate so we can get the most for our money.
The term "reconciliation" in the verses above comes out of the Greek marketplace. it is the word used for exchanging money. In Scripture it speaks of exchanging something far more valuable than dollars and pesos. It is exchanging Christ's garment of pure, white, sinlessness for my filthy, disheveled robe of sin. It's trading my destiny of eternal punishment for His gift of Eternal Life.
He not only made that "exchange" with me; He also has given me the privilege of facilitating it with others. That's why we go to Mexico every month. It's not about providing food and other necessities to those in need; it's our "ministry of reconciliation" - building relationships with these people, sharing God's Word, and watching the Holy Spirit transform their lives! What a privilege and joy it is to be His ambassador!
Lord, thank You for providing the "ultimate exchange" for me and for allowing me to share it with others. Please keep it fresh in my mind today so that, as I interact with those You lead across my path, I will be ready to offer Your grace to them. Amen.
Each month I go to Mexico. My friends and I drive to some railroad tracks southeast of Tijuana, almost to Tecate, taking food, toys, toiletries, and other items the Lord gives to us. We are inevitably greeted by a crowd of 100 or so men, women, and children (and scores of dogs!) with whom we have become acquainted over the years. They are the poorest of the poor, living in little one-room shanties alongside the tracks, no water, electricity, or plumbing.
We make a stop in San Ysidro before crossing the border for a very important task.... exchanging dollars for pesos. We're always hoping for a good exchange rate so we can get the most for our money.
The term "reconciliation" in the verses above comes out of the Greek marketplace. it is the word used for exchanging money. In Scripture it speaks of exchanging something far more valuable than dollars and pesos. It is exchanging Christ's garment of pure, white, sinlessness for my filthy, disheveled robe of sin. It's trading my destiny of eternal punishment for His gift of Eternal Life.
He not only made that "exchange" with me; He also has given me the privilege of facilitating it with others. That's why we go to Mexico every month. It's not about providing food and other necessities to those in need; it's our "ministry of reconciliation" - building relationships with these people, sharing God's Word, and watching the Holy Spirit transform their lives! What a privilege and joy it is to be His ambassador!
Lord, thank You for providing the "ultimate exchange" for me and for allowing me to share it with others. Please keep it fresh in my mind today so that, as I interact with those You lead across my path, I will be ready to offer Your grace to them. Amen.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
"Seeing others differently..."
2 Corinthians 5:16 "Therefore from now on we recognize no one according
to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh,
yet now we know Him in this way no longer."
Several years ago, a kindergarten teacher was in my office telling me about one of her students. I couldn't place a face with the name, so I asked her to describe him. She said, "He's sweet, kind, sensitive, loves to play kickball, likes to help me erase the chalk board, enjoys singing..." I still couldn't place him, so I asked him to tell me more. "He's taller than the other boys, can't keep his shirt tucked in, has a great smile...." I asked if there was anything else. "Oh," she said, "and he's black."
That's how Jesus wants us to look at each other. Too often it's the physical characteristics that I recall when I hear a person's name... height, weight, color, etc. That was the last thing my teacher friend thought of when describing her student.
As Christians, we are to look beyond the obvious, the superficial. The same Spirit who lives in me, lives in you, too! The Holy Spirit binds us together, helps us relate on a deeper, spiritual level so that when we hear each other's name, we recall character traits rather than physical appearance. That's how it's going to be in Heaven, after all!!!
Lord, I confess that all too often my vision is focused on a person's outward appearance rather than who he really is. Please help me to see as You do, looking at his heart. Help me today, Holy Spirit, to listen well, perceive accurately, and care genuinely. Amen.
Several years ago, a kindergarten teacher was in my office telling me about one of her students. I couldn't place a face with the name, so I asked her to describe him. She said, "He's sweet, kind, sensitive, loves to play kickball, likes to help me erase the chalk board, enjoys singing..." I still couldn't place him, so I asked him to tell me more. "He's taller than the other boys, can't keep his shirt tucked in, has a great smile...." I asked if there was anything else. "Oh," she said, "and he's black."
That's how Jesus wants us to look at each other. Too often it's the physical characteristics that I recall when I hear a person's name... height, weight, color, etc. That was the last thing my teacher friend thought of when describing her student.
As Christians, we are to look beyond the obvious, the superficial. The same Spirit who lives in me, lives in you, too! The Holy Spirit binds us together, helps us relate on a deeper, spiritual level so that when we hear each other's name, we recall character traits rather than physical appearance. That's how it's going to be in Heaven, after all!!!
Lord, I confess that all too often my vision is focused on a person's outward appearance rather than who he really is. Please help me to see as You do, looking at his heart. Help me today, Holy Spirit, to listen well, perceive accurately, and care genuinely. Amen.
Monday, September 17, 2012
"I want to make Him smile..."
2 Corinthians 5:9-10 "Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether
at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. For we must all appear
before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed
for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good
or bad."
I used to dread being called to the office. Whether as a student in school, or as an employee, it was nerve-wracking to receive that summons. I see it today in the faces of my students or teachers when I ask them to come see me. That "What did I do wrong?" look fills their countenance. It's only after they observe my smile that they begin to relax.
It's like that with Jesus. Paul tells us that each of us will be summoned to Jesus' "office" (actually His throne room -- a little more intimidating setting!). We'll stand before our Saviour for our "end-of-life performance evaluation" I think I know myself pretty well, but He knows more intimately the details of my life, the thoughts and intentions of my heart, as well as my actions. To be honest, the thought of Him revealing all of that scares me. It also motivates me.
My goal in life is to please Jesus, to make Him smile. I know I'm going to fail Him occasionally, but thank God He hasn't left me to my own resources. His Word says that the Creator of the universe, Himself, is "working in me that which is pleasing in His sight." (Heb 13:21) He not only wants me to succeed, He helps me to do it!
Lord, I know that You will walk beside me today, not as a critical observer, but as an empowering partner. Please help me to be sensitive to Your "nudge" and let me feel the pleasure of Your smile. Amen.
I used to dread being called to the office. Whether as a student in school, or as an employee, it was nerve-wracking to receive that summons. I see it today in the faces of my students or teachers when I ask them to come see me. That "What did I do wrong?" look fills their countenance. It's only after they observe my smile that they begin to relax.
It's like that with Jesus. Paul tells us that each of us will be summoned to Jesus' "office" (actually His throne room -- a little more intimidating setting!). We'll stand before our Saviour for our "end-of-life performance evaluation" I think I know myself pretty well, but He knows more intimately the details of my life, the thoughts and intentions of my heart, as well as my actions. To be honest, the thought of Him revealing all of that scares me. It also motivates me.
My goal in life is to please Jesus, to make Him smile. I know I'm going to fail Him occasionally, but thank God He hasn't left me to my own resources. His Word says that the Creator of the universe, Himself, is "working in me that which is pleasing in His sight." (Heb 13:21) He not only wants me to succeed, He helps me to do it!
Lord, I know that You will walk beside me today, not as a critical observer, but as an empowering partner. Please help me to be sensitive to Your "nudge" and let me feel the pleasure of Your smile. Amen.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Shine, Jesus, Shine...
2 Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of
darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of
the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have
this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of
the power will be of God and not from ourselves..."
It was my privilege a few years ago to work for "Joni and Friends". The founder of that ministry is Joni Eareckson Tada, a dynamic woman through whom God has touched thousands of lives with His message of mercy, encouragement, and hope... particularly ministering to those with disabilities. Joni, herself, was paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a diving accident when she was a teenager.
I always knew when Joni had arrived at the office. She delights in singing praises to the Lord and would wheel through the door belting out a hymn or a praise chorus. It was contagious, and invariably everyone in the office stopped what they were doing and joined in. One chorus I never tired of hearing was, "Shine, Jesus, Shine". It typified Joni. She personified what Paul describes in the verses above. Yes, Joni's "treasure" is in an "earthen vessel", but the brilliant Light of God's glory shines from her like no one I've every met before.
That's what I want people to see in me. Yes, I'm imperfect; I mess up; I'm lacking in so many areas. But... the surpassing greatness of God indwells me through His Holy Spirit and He delights in manifesting Himself through vessels of weakness.
Lord, You know me inside out. You know my imperfections and weaknesses. Please shine through me today. Touch those I encounter throughout the day with your mercy and love. Give them a glimpse of You and open their hearts. Amen. Yay, Jesus!!
It was my privilege a few years ago to work for "Joni and Friends". The founder of that ministry is Joni Eareckson Tada, a dynamic woman through whom God has touched thousands of lives with His message of mercy, encouragement, and hope... particularly ministering to those with disabilities. Joni, herself, was paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a diving accident when she was a teenager.
I always knew when Joni had arrived at the office. She delights in singing praises to the Lord and would wheel through the door belting out a hymn or a praise chorus. It was contagious, and invariably everyone in the office stopped what they were doing and joined in. One chorus I never tired of hearing was, "Shine, Jesus, Shine". It typified Joni. She personified what Paul describes in the verses above. Yes, Joni's "treasure" is in an "earthen vessel", but the brilliant Light of God's glory shines from her like no one I've every met before.
That's what I want people to see in me. Yes, I'm imperfect; I mess up; I'm lacking in so many areas. But... the surpassing greatness of God indwells me through His Holy Spirit and He delights in manifesting Himself through vessels of weakness.
Lord, You know me inside out. You know my imperfections and weaknesses. Please shine through me today. Touch those I encounter throughout the day with your mercy and love. Give them a glimpse of You and open their hearts. Amen. Yay, Jesus!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Looking through foggy lenses...
2 Corinthians 3:16 "...but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away."
I hate it when my lenses fog up. Occasionally on humid days or when I'm sweating on a cool evening, my vision becomes foggy. It occurs gradually so that until it's nearly obscured, I don't realize what is happening. Then I take off my glasses, wipe them off, and I can see clearly once again.
It's like that for me in my relationship with Jesus. When I'm not spending time with Him regularly, when I am sporadic in my reading of His Word, my spiritual lenses start to fog up. Things around me become somewhat confused and obscured. My discernment and sense of direction get mixed up, and I miss the Holy Spirit's "sign posts". My spiritual GPS malfunctions.
How do I clean my spiritual lenses and get my GPS functional once again. It's simple. 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." When I finally realize what I've been doing, I confess it to Jesus, seek His forgiveness, and I reestablish my habit of setting aside the first part of my day for time with Him. I can see clearly now!
Lord, I want to see life through clean lenses. I want to discern the Spirit's directional signs today. Thank you for your forgiveness, Your cleansing. I love seeing clearly!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
What color is your ensemble, really?..
Corinthians 2:17 "For we are not like many, peddling the word of God,
but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight
of God."
I get up early each morning, so the light isn't that great when I'm getting dressed for work. The grey slacks, white shirt, and grey socks I pick to wear look good together. I routinely do a "color check" with my wife, asking if what I'm wearing goes together. Her response: "Go stand in the light so I can see it better." It isn't until I walk out the front door that the sunlight exposes the truth about my ensemble. The slacks that looked grey in the house are actually green. The "grey" socks have a bluish tint to them. My "white" shirt turns out to be cream-colored. While the outfit looks "okay", it doesn't match the picture in my head.
Paul uses a similar word picture in describing how we should speak. We are to speak the Word of God sincerely. The word "sincerity" comes from a compound word translated "examined by the sun." In other words, what we speak is to be accurate and true. He tells Timothy to "handle the Word of God accurately" (2 Tim 2:15).
Not only are the words we use examined in the light, guess who's standing opposite us watching and listening.... God Himself, the Author of the Words.
I might be able to fool you, but not Him!
All this goes to say that I need to be watchful, careful how I speak and what I say. I am representing my Savior and the Father is listening.
God, please help me to be diligent in handling Your Word today. Sometimes I get lazy and what I say doesn't stand up to examination in the light. Help me to be careful, speaking the truth appropriately, accurately in love. Shut my mouth when I am about to speak inappropriately. Let me sense Your presence throughout the day. Amen.
I get up early each morning, so the light isn't that great when I'm getting dressed for work. The grey slacks, white shirt, and grey socks I pick to wear look good together. I routinely do a "color check" with my wife, asking if what I'm wearing goes together. Her response: "Go stand in the light so I can see it better." It isn't until I walk out the front door that the sunlight exposes the truth about my ensemble. The slacks that looked grey in the house are actually green. The "grey" socks have a bluish tint to them. My "white" shirt turns out to be cream-colored. While the outfit looks "okay", it doesn't match the picture in my head.
Paul uses a similar word picture in describing how we should speak. We are to speak the Word of God sincerely. The word "sincerity" comes from a compound word translated "examined by the sun." In other words, what we speak is to be accurate and true. He tells Timothy to "handle the Word of God accurately" (2 Tim 2:15).
Not only are the words we use examined in the light, guess who's standing opposite us watching and listening.... God Himself, the Author of the Words.
I might be able to fool you, but not Him!
All this goes to say that I need to be watchful, careful how I speak and what I say. I am representing my Savior and the Father is listening.
God, please help me to be diligent in handling Your Word today. Sometimes I get lazy and what I say doesn't stand up to examination in the light. Help me to be careful, speaking the truth appropriately, accurately in love. Shut my mouth when I am about to speak inappropriately. Let me sense Your presence throughout the day. Amen.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
What do you smell like?...
2 Corinthians 2:14-15 "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in
triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the
knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to
God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;"
When my wife and I were dating, she wore a favorite fragrance called, "Here's My Heart". I loved that cologne, not just because it smelled nice, but because it reminded me of her. Even after dropping her off, her "scent" lingered in my car and it was if she were still there.
Scents, fragrances, aromas, smells, odors. We are affected by our sense of smell. A whiff of a familiar aroma stirs a memory and, with it, the accompanying emotions. Smells are powerful "triggers"!
Paul is painting a word picture for his readers. He describes a familiar sight, that of a victory parade. Following a significant triumph, word would get back to Rome and the preparations would begin. A newly-constucted "arch of triumph" awaited the return of the conquering general and his soldiers. When the day finally arrived and the parade wound its way through the streets of Rome, the tantalizing aroma of burning incense wafted throughout the city. Everyone could smell it and they knew the parade had arrived.
As Christians, we have a distinct "aroma". It isn't something physical. It is intangible, but nonetheless identifiable. It emanates from the Holy Spirit who indwells us. It begins in our hearts and works its way out through our character, our attitude, our outlook, our words, and our actions. It is recognizable; it's what draws Believers to one another. To unbelievers it is unique, but confusing. They sense it, but don't understand it.
Lord, please light the incense afresh in me today. Holy Spirit, I want others to recognize your fragrance in my interactions. Control my expression, my body language, my attitude, my words - everything about me - that others would be drawn to Christ. Please let them "smell" You in me! Amen.
When my wife and I were dating, she wore a favorite fragrance called, "Here's My Heart". I loved that cologne, not just because it smelled nice, but because it reminded me of her. Even after dropping her off, her "scent" lingered in my car and it was if she were still there.
Scents, fragrances, aromas, smells, odors. We are affected by our sense of smell. A whiff of a familiar aroma stirs a memory and, with it, the accompanying emotions. Smells are powerful "triggers"!
Paul is painting a word picture for his readers. He describes a familiar sight, that of a victory parade. Following a significant triumph, word would get back to Rome and the preparations would begin. A newly-constucted "arch of triumph" awaited the return of the conquering general and his soldiers. When the day finally arrived and the parade wound its way through the streets of Rome, the tantalizing aroma of burning incense wafted throughout the city. Everyone could smell it and they knew the parade had arrived.
As Christians, we have a distinct "aroma". It isn't something physical. It is intangible, but nonetheless identifiable. It emanates from the Holy Spirit who indwells us. It begins in our hearts and works its way out through our character, our attitude, our outlook, our words, and our actions. It is recognizable; it's what draws Believers to one another. To unbelievers it is unique, but confusing. They sense it, but don't understand it.
Lord, please light the incense afresh in me today. Holy Spirit, I want others to recognize your fragrance in my interactions. Control my expression, my body language, my attitude, my words - everything about me - that others would be drawn to Christ. Please let them "smell" You in me! Amen.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The Ultimate Lifeguard...
2 Corinthians 1:10 "...Who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us; in whom we trust that He will still deliver us..."
I can still feel the embarrassment. I was a 12 year old spending a lazy summer day at Seal Beach. This was pre-surfboard, pre-boogie board.... my friend, Desi, and I were on our canvas surf mats waiting near the pier for the next big set of waves. The beach was packed with teenagers trying to cram in the last few days of summer fun before heading back to school. Desi and I had our backs to the beach, watching for signs of a swell, not realizing we were caught in a rip tide. I happened to glance over my right shoulder and was shocked to see that we were drifting out near the end of the pier! At the same time, Desi looked back towards shore and saw a crowd gathering as two lifeguards rushed into the surf. "I think someone further out must be in trouble," observed Desi. Little did we realize that we were the ones in trouble. The lifeguards swam up to us, yanked us off our mats and hauled us in to shore. Oh, the shame of it! My face burns as I remember friends and strangers watching the two "cool surfer dudes" being dragged out of the ocean.
Looking back, I'm thankful for those lifeguards. Even though I was oblivious to the danger, I was in desperate need of rescue. The apostle Paul uses that same picture in speaking of one of God's roles in our lives. He is the Ultimate Lifeguard! He is constantly on the lookout for us, forever vigilant. In that one little verse, Paul uses the word, "rescue" ("deliver") three times in three different tenses. God has rescued us (past), does rescue us (present), and will still rescue us (future)! Talk about a lifesaver!!! Wow!!!
Even when I am unaware, oblivious to danger, God is ever watchful. His love for me overflows in protection. He rescues me from my foolishness, my ignorance, my unintentional and willful sins. He restores and strengthens me. He pulls me out of danger and sets me back on my feet.... again and again and again.
Thank You, Lord, for watching out for, watching over, and rescuing me. Please help me to not be so much a bother to You today. You deserve a break! :-) Amen.
I can still feel the embarrassment. I was a 12 year old spending a lazy summer day at Seal Beach. This was pre-surfboard, pre-boogie board.... my friend, Desi, and I were on our canvas surf mats waiting near the pier for the next big set of waves. The beach was packed with teenagers trying to cram in the last few days of summer fun before heading back to school. Desi and I had our backs to the beach, watching for signs of a swell, not realizing we were caught in a rip tide. I happened to glance over my right shoulder and was shocked to see that we were drifting out near the end of the pier! At the same time, Desi looked back towards shore and saw a crowd gathering as two lifeguards rushed into the surf. "I think someone further out must be in trouble," observed Desi. Little did we realize that we were the ones in trouble. The lifeguards swam up to us, yanked us off our mats and hauled us in to shore. Oh, the shame of it! My face burns as I remember friends and strangers watching the two "cool surfer dudes" being dragged out of the ocean.
Looking back, I'm thankful for those lifeguards. Even though I was oblivious to the danger, I was in desperate need of rescue. The apostle Paul uses that same picture in speaking of one of God's roles in our lives. He is the Ultimate Lifeguard! He is constantly on the lookout for us, forever vigilant. In that one little verse, Paul uses the word, "rescue" ("deliver") three times in three different tenses. God has rescued us (past), does rescue us (present), and will still rescue us (future)! Talk about a lifesaver!!! Wow!!!
Even when I am unaware, oblivious to danger, God is ever watchful. His love for me overflows in protection. He rescues me from my foolishness, my ignorance, my unintentional and willful sins. He restores and strengthens me. He pulls me out of danger and sets me back on my feet.... again and again and again.
Thank You, Lord, for watching out for, watching over, and rescuing me. Please help me to not be so much a bother to You today. You deserve a break! :-) Amen.
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