Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Hoover Dam and Christ's Love..."

2 Corinthians 5:14   "For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died..."

Not too long ago our family visited Hoover Dam.  On one side of the dam is Lake Mead, billions of gallons of water held back by this gigantic concrete and steel wall.  On the other side is a deep valley with Colorado River flowing from the dam.  The dam exists, not only to create a beautiful lake, but to produce power, electricity for millions of people.  How?  Water from one side is channelled, compressed as it flows through narrow openings in the dam.  The "compressed" water moves giant turbines which generate electrical energy.

That's what the word "controls" conveys.  It means to "hold tightly".  In some contexts it has the idea of constraining, in others it conveys comfort and security.  Here it's the idea of channeling us, directing us, like the spillway on a dam compacts and directs the flow of water.

Paul says Christ's love for him is compelling.  It was the motivation for all that he did.  It raises the question, "What is it that drives me?  Why do I do what I do?  What is my motivation?"  If I'm completely honest, I don't often consciously think of Christ's love as the driving force.  Yet, as I reflect, I can truthfully, whole-heartedly affirm that it is my reason for being.  Somehow, I need to bring that affirmation to the forefront, to purposefully reflect on it more often.  I think it will make a difference in my daily experience.

Lord, thank You for your extravagant love for me.  Forgive me for so often taking it for granted, not giving it a second thought.  Thank You for reminding me of it's foundational importance in my life.  Amen.

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