2 Corinthians 3:2-3 "You are our letter, written in our hearts, known
and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ,
cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living
God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
In this day of texts, emails, instant messaging, and social media, the
art of letter writing is making its exit; it is becoming an "endangered
species" on the verge of extinction. So called "snail mail" is passé,
used by many as a last resort of communication. If Paul were to write
his letter to the Corinthians today, he might have said, "You are our
website, our Facebook page, our Twitter posting..."
Nonetheless, his point transcends the method of communication. The gist
of it is this... who we are, how we act and speak, the way we treat
each other transmits a message. Our lives are "living letters" (or
emails, if you like!). People learn about Jesus by "reading" us. What
an overwhelming privilege and responsibility God has given us! As one
person put it, "You are the only Jesus some people will ever see."
Lord, I confess my inadequacy for this task. I'm afraid that because of
me, some people will have a skewed perception of You. I misspeak, I
overreact, I'm insensitive to others' needs, and that doesn't portray
You very well. Please, Holy Spirt, control me today. When people
"read" me today, let them see Jesus more clearly. Amen.
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