2 Corinthians 5:16 "Therefore from now on we recognize no one according
to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh,
yet now we know Him in this way no longer."
Several years ago, a kindergarten teacher was in my office telling me
about one of her students. I couldn't place a face with the name, so I
asked her to describe him. She said, "He's sweet, kind, sensitive,
loves to play kickball, likes to help me erase the chalk board, enjoys
singing..." I still couldn't place him, so I asked him to tell me more.
"He's taller than the other boys, can't keep his shirt tucked in, has a
great smile...." I asked if there was anything else. "Oh," she said,
"and he's black."
That's how Jesus wants us to look at each other. Too often it's the
physical characteristics that I recall when I hear a person's name...
height, weight, color, etc. That was the last thing my teacher friend
thought of when describing her student.
As Christians, we are to look beyond the obvious, the superficial. The
same Spirit who lives in me, lives in you, too! The Holy Spirit binds
us together, helps us relate on a deeper, spiritual level so that when
we hear each other's name, we recall character traits rather than
physical appearance. That's how it's going to be in Heaven, after
Lord, I confess that all too often my vision is focused on a person's
outward appearance rather than who he really is. Please help me to see
as You do, looking at his heart. Help me today, Holy Spirit, to listen
well, perceive accurately, and care genuinely. Amen.
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