Corinthians 2:17 "For we are not like many, peddling the word of God,
but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight
of God."
I get up early each morning,
so the light isn't that great when I'm getting dressed for work. The
grey slacks, white shirt, and grey socks I pick to wear look good
together. I routinely do a "color check" with my wife, asking if what
I'm wearing goes together. Her response: "Go stand in the light so I
can see it better." It isn't until I walk out the front door that the
sunlight exposes the truth about my ensemble. The slacks that looked
grey in the house are actually green. The "grey" socks have a bluish
tint to them. My "white" shirt turns out to be cream-colored. While
the outfit looks "okay", it doesn't match the picture in my head.
uses a similar word picture in describing how we should speak. We are
to speak the Word of God sincerely. The word "sincerity" comes from a
compound word translated "examined by the sun." In other words, what we
speak is to be accurate and true. He tells Timothy to "handle the Word
of God accurately" (2 Tim 2:15).
only are the words we use examined in the light, guess who's standing
opposite us watching and listening.... God Himself, the Author of the
I might be able to fool you, but not Him!
this goes to say that I need to be watchful, careful how I speak and
what I say. I am representing my Savior and the Father is listening.
please help me to be diligent in handling Your Word today. Sometimes I
get lazy and what I say doesn't stand up to examination in the light.
Help me to be careful, speaking the truth appropriately, accurately in
love. Shut my mouth when I am about to speak inappropriately. Let me
sense Your presence throughout the day. Amen.
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