Romans1:12 "I long to see you...that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith."
"I don't need to go to church to be a Christian." I don't know how many times I've heard that from someone who has been hurt by or who is disillusioned with the established church. I have yet to find one of them who is a thriving, growing, joyful Believer.
God designed us as social beings. It's in our DNA. In the Garden, He looked at Adam and declared that was not good for him to be alone, and He created Eve. That's why He said in Hebrews 10:25 that we're not to forsake getting together.
We need fellowship with other Christians. Satan's goal is to isolate us, to discourage and defeat us. Fellowship encourages, protects, strengthens, and sharpens us. It hold us accountable and helps us to grow. It comforts us when we're hurting, provides for us when we are in need, and holds us up when we falter.
Lord, thank you for my Christian brothers. You keep using them to keep me faithful and growing in my relationship with You.
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