John 2:11 "This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him."
How often, when maneuvering through the maze of Southern California freeways, do we trust that Cal Trans has accurately placed signs to guide us? I would be lost without them. I would also be lost if I focused on the signs for the signs' sake (admiring the color and design, rejoicing in them being placed in such strategic locations) rather than following their directions to our destination.
For what purpose miracles? They are directional signs pointing us to Jesus. His miracles in the New Testament manifested His glory for the purpose of bringing people to faith in Him. They resulted, not only in transforming non-believers into believers, but in building the faith of His disciples. Too often, people became focused on the signs themselves and missed the destination to which they were directing. Jesus condemned their misdirected fascination.
It's no different today. God often chooses to reveal Himself through us, not for our glory, but for His, so that He might bring others to Himself and that He might increase our level of trust in Him. It's so easy for us to get caught up in the excitement and wonder of the "miracle" and miss the Person to whom it is pointing. Lord, thank you for choosing to use us in Your plan for evangelism. Please help me to point others to You, not to myself. Help me to see You, not just the sign. Amen.
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