Eph 6:17 "Take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the (spoken) Word of God."
Our country has been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq for 10 years now, with no end in sight. The conflict has taken its toll on us, but someday it will be over and our soldiers will come home.
Like it or not, we are all engaged in another war that will last our lifetimes. It's an ongoing conflict with the enemy of our souls, the Devil. He is powerful, wily, knowledgeable, and determined. He never lets up.
Fortunately, the Lord has given us protective armor and a powerful weapon the "sword of the Spirit, the Word of God." The Greek word used in that verse refers to the spoken word. It's the Holy Spirit using God's Word in us, so that the words we speak are His...true, powerful, effective, appropriate.
I don't want to go into battle against Satan with a dull sword! I need to keep it sharp by saturating my mind and spirit with the (written) Word...listening to, reading, meditating on the Bible so that when I need it, it is available and the Holy Spirit is able to wield it effectively through me.
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