Monday, October 17, 2011

Who can you count on?

Romans 11:29 "for the calling and gifts of God are irrevocable."

Last Thursday I was standing on a balcony in the Peace Museum on the island of Okinawa, Japan. Just below was a gorgeous grassy bluff that fell away to the volcanic rocks below.  It was low tide, and the subsiding sea had left tide pools in its wake.  Before we finished our tour of the museum, the sea reclaimed the area it had so recently abandoned.

My spiritual life is something like the sea.  Ebbing and flowing, I find myself sometimes close to God and at other times feeling quite distant.  It's me, not God who moves.

Everything in this world, everything in our lives is changeable, temporary, transient.  Thank God for His immutability - unchangableness - His mercy, love, grace stand firm.  They are my anchor.  Though my faith may ebb and flow, He stands solid.  He will never pull away or turn His back.  He won't renege on His promises or His gifts. Oh, what peace, joy, freedom that gives me!

Lord, help me to be more like you...steadfast, sure, solid in my faith and in my relationships.  Amen.

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