Thursday, October 20, 2011

What does God look like?

John 1:8 "No one has ever seen God, but the only Begotten of the Father, He has made Him known." Col 1:15 "and He is the image of the invisible God..."  Rom 8:29 "and whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son..."

A kindergartner was busily drawing a picture.  His intensity caught the teacher's attention and she came to see his paper.  What she saw was a 5-year-old's portrait of an old, bearded man with a smiling face.  "What a nice picture!  Who is that man?," she asked.  "It's God!," the little boy proudly announced.  "But no one has ever seen God," replied the teacher, slightly amused.  "They have now!," said the child matter-of-factly.

Have you ever wondered what God looks like?  The Bible clearly teaches that He is essentially bodily form.  So, whatever Scripture says regarding His form or image, it has to do with His character.  Follow this reasoning...Jesus reveals what the Father looks like (all of His attributes and character traits).  The Holy Spirit is crafting us, His children, into conformity with Jesus' image (His character traits).

Therefore, if someone wants to see what God looks like, they just have to look at us.  I hope that, even though I am a work in progress, they can see in me a family resemblance!

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