Monday, October 3, 2011

Thank God for my wife!

Proverbs 31:10, 30  "An excellent wife, who can find?  For her worth is far above rubies...charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

I'm sitting here thinking how blessed I am and thanking God for my wife.  She not only loves the Lord, but is beautiful as well!  I'm also feeling ashamed for how I so often take for granted who she is and all that she does.  Proverbs 31 describes her pretty well.  Her love for God plays out in her care for her family and for anyone in need whom God leads across her path.  As described in this passage, she puts the needs of others above those of her own, not for recognition or praise, but because she loves.

It's so easy for me  to get caught up in all the "important" things on my schedule and to be oblivious to those I love.  I need to be more attentive and grateful to my wife, to notice what she does, to really listen to what she says. 

God, thank you for my loving, lovely wife.  Please help me today to be the husband she deserves and the man you designed me to be.

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