Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stealth disciples....

John  3:1-2 "Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, who came to Him by night..."

Nicodemus was a "stealth disciple".  A respected leader, a Pharisee who was expected to oppose Jesus, he came secretly, lest others find out.  Nicodemus asked good questions, not trying to trick or trap the Teacher.  He was a sincere seeker who didn't quite know how to handle the situation.  Jesus knew Nicodemus' heart and met him where he was.  Jesus didn't reject or ridicule him.  He gently stretched his understanding and piqued his curiosity.  As we encounter Nicodemus twice more in the Gospel, it appears that he comes to faith in the Messiah and in the end joins another believer, Joseph of Arimathea, in taking Jesus' body to the tomb.

Sometimes I'm like that....not wanting to be noticed or pointed out.  So, I keep quiet.  Later I feel ashamed that I didn't speak up.  It's then that I hear the gentle reassuring voice of my Savior telling me that it's okay....we'll do better next time.  Praise God, Jesus loves and receives even "stealth disciples!"

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