Friday, October 28, 2011

Watching the "body" in action...

1 Corinthians 12:26 "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

Our elementary school football team had a rough time yesterday afternoon.  Undefeated so far, they were playing the other undefeated team.  It was a hard-hitting affair and both teams came away with their share of bumps and bruises.  One of our boys had a tougher time than the rest.  He was blocked hard, fell backwards awkwardly, and broke both bones in his left forearm.

While waiting for x-rays in Urgent Care, three of his teammates and their parents showed up to wait with him.  When he came out of x-ray and it was confirmed that his arm was broken, the three teammates, along with a neighbor friend, spontaneously huddled together to pray for their buddy.  I wish you could have heard the compassion and faith that radiated from those words.  I have never been as thankful to be involved in a Christian school as I was at that moment.

Scripture is so accurate in describing us as a body, interrelated and interdependent.  What a blessing it is to be both on the giving and receiving end of the love and care of our brothers and sisters in Christ.  I thank God for the privilege of seeing it reproduced in our children.

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